Rin Knows Best

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My journalist assignment couldn't have come any sooner. I'm excited more than ever to be starting my new job as an article writer for the one of the top teenage magazines in Japan, called J-Seventeen. And for this specific job I'm able to go to a college campus of my choosing and give interviews to all different kinds of students. Mostly women, for the fact that the article will be featuring; 'what women crave most in college?'

I have the perfect collage in mind; Samezuka.

I sat in the school café at a small round table, looking over my notes from the past interviews. So far it seems like most of the women here are craving things like food, jewelry, good grades, epic parties to attend to. Though the thing I can relate to the most is something that made me laugh is; space heaters. Ah yes, the curse of always being cold, is not fun. It's like no amount of blankets in the world can keep me warm. Space heaters cure it all.

Setting the notepad on the table, I place my fingers on the keyboard ready to type, but I hesitate. "Though despite all kinds of things women have said, I still feel like something is missing. But what could it be?" I thought aloud, something I don't usually do and it seems like I caught some attention from a passing student. Because the next thing I know is hearing the chair next to me pull out and someone sit down.

"Whatcha lookin' for?" A painfully familiar voice questions.

Glancing to my right, I see a maroon haired guy, spooning ice cream into his mouth. Wait...is that Rin?!

"W-what are you doing here?" I demand out of shock. Soon looking down at his shirt, he's wearing a school uniform. "I thought you graduated?"

Rin glares at me from the corner of his eye as he removes the spoon from his mouth, "I'm a senior this year."

"Wow really, what are you plans after this? You still swimming? How old are you again?" The questions flooded out of my mouth before I could stop them.

Rin shakes his head as he shovels another scoop of chocolate ice cream into his mouth, with the plastic wear still in between his lips, he speaks, "It's my turn to ask a question." He pauses to look at me, shifts in his seat to angle his body towards mine, removes the spoon from his jaws to point it at me, "What are you doing here Lex? Couldn't wait to see me after two years?" A grin forms of Rin's lips as the spoon wobbles up and down in between his fingers.

"If you really must know, it's for a job. I'm a journalist now and I came here to write an article on a topic about-" I catch myself before saying anything else. Why did I hesitate just now? It's just Rin. Exhaling sharply, I continue, "A topic about what women crave for in college."

Rin chortles to himself, pulling the black spoon back from me to scoop more ice cream from the Ben & Jerry's small tub, to hold it right before his mouth, "Get anything good?"

"Well just the usual basics. Things like food, good grades, parties, a decent job to graduate into." I set my elbow on the table and rest my chin on it. "But I feel like I'm missing something. Sure all those things are accurate, but I kind of expected more...what's the right word for this, scandalous? Like maybe a girl wanting a boyfriend that she's liked for a whole semester. I would say love, but that's pretty difficult to find in college." I let my breath out slowly as I just stare at my laptop screen, feeling slightly discouraged.

"I could help you out." Rin offers.

I move my green orbs over in his direction, to watch him devour a spoonful.

I snort. "What would you know about what women want?"

In that instant I witness Rin remove the spoon from his mouth to reach towards me. I freeze in my place. He lets the spoon touch the skin behind my ear and move it down my neck to the start of my collarbone, leaving a light trail of melted ice cream in its path. He then hooks his foot around the front leg of my chair and jerks me to in between his legs. A smirk tugs on the corner of his mouth as he leans in, closing the distance between us. I feel the hot breath as he exhales through his nose, the warmth tickles my skin but I'm still unable to move. And then I feel it. The soft touch of his tongue as he drags it up my neck, cleaning the ice cream off my skin. I shiver beneath him, with my mouth partly ajar, completely in shock. Then his breath is at my ear as he speaks in a husky tone, "Enough."

Before I could even respond, Matsuoka stands up from his chair, grabs his tub of ice cream and begins to walk past me, not before saying one last thing, "Think about it."

My body tenses and my temper suddenly flares, throwing my head back I yell, "What the hell!"

Okay, I have to be an adult about this. Rin is only two years younger than me. But I haven't seen him in so long and this is how this asshole greets me? Nope. Nuh uh, I'm not anything like I was before when I moved away. I matured. I have a job. Yes, that's right. I have a job. And my job requires me to...find out what women crave most in college. Goddamnit why did I come here to Samezuka? Why is Rin only a senior, I swore he graduated. This is so unfair. This boy was a problem back then and he's still a problem now. No. I can't let that get to me now. My job requires me to be bold. Yes that's it bold. I'll do anything for my job. Anything like...going to see Rin again. No! Anything but that. Jesus Christ Lexi pull yourself together. Focus on the prize here. The prize...what's the prize again? Shit.

My internal thoughts battle it out while my face is buried in my hands, elbows on the table. I shake my head furiously unable to come up with a solution. No matter how much I argue with myself, I can't deny the feeling that he gave me – the feeling that stirred in my lower belly. A feeling that has been left dormant for two years. God has it really been that long? I completely forgot that I had a crush on him back then, even though I prefer my men older, he was a confident exception.

Inhaling deeply I look up from my hands and exhale thoroughly. Let's get this straight. I'll go and ask what Rin knows about women, and nothing will happen. I'm a strong independent woman. I have standards. I'll be sure not to give in to him, no matter how...hard it will be. For fucks sake, I need to get my head out of the gutter. Calm down. You can do this Lexi.

I stand up from my seat, straighten my pencil skirt, pack up my laptop and my notepad, throwing it over my shoulder. "Be confident. Just think confident." I mentor to myself as I leave the café and stride in the direction towards the pool.

I push open the double doors to the indoor pool and chlorine immediately fills my lungs. The stuffy warm air envelopes around my bare arms and I just welcome the heat. My heels scratch along the tiled floor as I search for that specific maroon haired guy. Though to my dismay he's nowhere to be found. So plan B, I ask a fellow student. Looking around I spot someone sitting on the edge of the pool, legs in the water fixing his goggles and swim cap. I approach him slowly, careful not to slip on the stray puddles of water. "Excuse me."

He looks up at me directly, then shifts his position to not look so strained, his face slightly blushing as he eyes me over. "Do I know you?"

I refrain from rolling my eyes but reply in a nice tone, "No, I'm uh looking for a swimmer named Rin Matsuoka. Do you know where I can find him?"

"Oh you mean the captain?" He questions as he scratches the back of his head.

Rin is the captain of the swim team now? That's impressive. "Y-yeah. I thought he would be here."

The boy shakes his head. "Not today, we don't have swim practice on Sundays. You can probably find him in his dorm."

His dorm? How am I supposed to know where that is? "Would you mind telling me what number his dorm is? It's important." I ask with a smile as I clutch onto my shoulder bag harder with slight aggravation.

He's silent for a moment his eyes narrowing at me, "Are you a reporter?"
Are you kidding me. "Well I'm actually just a journalist. And I'm here for a job writing an article on... on the Samezuka swim team captain. So if you would be so kind as to tell me where I can find his dorm, that would be a huge help." I answer with an innocent smile plastered on my face, as I ground my teeth together. I can't believe I had to lie to just get his dorm number. This is ridiculous.

"Oh that's cool! Yeah his dorm number will be found in the west side of the building, number 142." He says with excitement on his features.

I bow my head and turn on my heel walking away. I hear a splash then, "Matsuoka's a really cool guy, write an epic article on him!"

Heh yeah right. If I know anything about Rin, is that he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. I was careless two years ago, but I'll be on my toes this time around – trust me.

Walking down a long hall I keep my eyes peeled on the doors. I read the numbers going up; 138, 139, 140, 141, 142. I halt in my tracks and face his door. I inhale a deep breath and tap my knuckles against the wooden gate of hell.

"Yeah?" His voice rings from the other side. But I hear no sign of him coming to the door. So I knock again. This time I hear something heavy hit the floor and agitated footsteps coming towards the door. It swings open and there stands Rin with his mouth open about to yell. Though just as he sees me, he shuts it and stares directly in my field of vision.

"Were you expecting someone else?" I ask with a goofy smile.

Rin smirks and places his hand on the frame of the door, leaning his weight against it. "Not anymore."

I peek around him into his bedroom and clear my throat, "Can I come in?"

His smile drops as he glances down at my feet. "You're taller than me, I don't like it. Take 'em off."

I gape at him and look down at my black stilettos. "Are you being serious? It's just a half inch"

He crosses his arms and stands in front of me blocking the entrance.

"Oh you are such a little girl. All you do is complain." I growl at him as I kick off my heels with attitude and watch as my height shrinks down till he's a full head taller than me. So much for being in control...

Rin's smile returns as he steps out of the way allowing me through. "So obedient."

Bending over to pick up my heels, I push my free hand against his chest and shove him back. I hook my toes around the door, and swing it around, kicking it shut with much effort. "I am not obedient." I snap at him as I exhale sharply.

Matsuoka holds his hands up with a grin as if asking for a truce. As if.

I give him one last shove before averting my attention towards his bed. Sitting down on the mattress, I set my heels down next to me on the floor, pull my shoulder bag over my head, to retrieve my notebook and pen. I then cross my leg, notepad balancing on my knee as I look up at Rin. "Since you seem to know all about what women like..." I pause to rewind the scene of Rin licking ice cream off my neck and shiver. "I'll be asking you some questions. I want real honest answers. And for fucks sake don't be a dick about this." 

Matsuoka chuckles to himself, grabs his desk chair and spins it around to sit facing backwards, forearms crossed on the backrest. He motions to me with his hand for me to ask away.

"Okay. So..." My voice caught in my throat. Wait what am I doing? I'm only allowed to ask women these questions. I didn't prepare anything for this scenario. Rin isn't a girl, what am I supposed to say to him?

The silence grows and my face reddens. I'm completely embarrassed. I'm making a fool out of myself.

But since I'm here... I may as well take advantage of this situation and learn what Matsuoka thinks he knows about women. Could prove useful in the future. And with that I continue.

I avoided his eyes as I spoke, "I u-uh, I'd like to know what women in college crave for in...in a potential boyfriend."

"Idiot." Rin scoffs.

My eyes flicker up to look at him in question. "Excuse me?"

"Why would you ask me that when you already know the answer?" A smile of seduction crawls across his lips. "But just in case you forget, you better write these down."

Just as soon as he finishes his sentence, Rin stands up and lifts his black tank top off his torso. The packed muscles on his stomach stretch as he pulls the shirt over his head. Dropping the fabric onto the floor in a heap, his abs tighten back into place and just looking at him makes my heart pound. His grey sweatpants hung loosely at his hips showing his gorgeous V-lines. Wait...no underwear?

"Bullet point number 1, the most obvious - is a top tier body." Matsuoka walks towards me. He reaches down to my hand, makes me drop my pen, and places my open palm onto the rocks of his abdomen. "No female can resist this."

Oh my fuck. Just the feeling of our skin touching makes my fingertips tingle. Has his body always been this built? This is unbelievable.

"A-are you trying to seduce me?" I blurted out my sentence without thinking and instantly blushed.

"Only if it's working." Rin retorts with a sly grin as he rests his free hand on the top bunk, leaning over me slightly, cancelling out any ceiling light.

I glance up from under my lashes to gaze at his braud jawline, eventually moving my green orbs up to stare at his lips. And as if he read my mind-

"Number 2, a face that can make any girl blush." Shortly after he leans down, deleting any space that was between us.

Panicking, I let go of my notepad letting it slide off my knee to hit the floor. My instant reaction is to throw my hand up to his chest, trying to stop him. But to no avail I didn't react fast enough, Rin's mouth crushes down on mine as he pushes his weight onto me. My body turns sideways, allowing me to lay fully on the mattress. Our lips mold together and I inhale his hot breath. Shivers erupt up my legs as I just let him express his aggression with his tongue.

I can't believe just like that, he broke my walls down. He just stepped over my confidence like it was nothing. I couldn't do anything to stop him. Did I even try and fight against him?

But maybe – could it be...that I wanted this to happen all along?

I kept up with his rough kisses as much as I could, but it was difficult to with my own problems. My Inner Goddess has woken up much faster than I thought. The tingle between my thighs grew stronger.

Rin bites onto my bottom lip and tugs, I whimper from the sting of being attacked. Pulling back he leaves me panting for air. My face is still royally flushed in a bright pink as I gaze up at him.

"Number 3..." He pauses to partially sit up, keeping his head low so he doesn't hit the top bunk. Matsuoka's fingers snag the waistband of my pencil skirt to fully remove it from my body. My black G-string is revealed which catches Rin off guard. "Well aren't you sensual."

I throw my arms over my head and speak out of breath, "It's the most comfortable thing to wear with a pencil skirt. You have no idea."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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