Tree Stump

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This story is back and in action!

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

Wybie was kind of surprised when I told him that I can talk to Charlie, but he didn't say a thing about it yet, so Charlie leads us to the tree stump. The exact tree stump where I could've lost my best friend/sister, so I sigh and look down at him. "How do we close it??" He looks up at me saying "all you need to do is have a powers stronger than hers. Then put her hands on it" I raise an eyebrow "have a power stronger than hers? I don't think we have that. Wybie what Charlie said was we need a power stronger than hers, then put our hands on it."

He looks at the stump, then he looks up at me saying "I think I know something we have that's stronger" I was about to question him, but he says "put your hand on the stump." I do and he grabs my hand, I smile and think 'what's happening' then he put his hand on the stump. A bright light shined and dimmed down, we let go and see the stump is gone "dude, our love is stronger." I jump around happily, which scared Wybie and make Charlie smirk "okay, for some of them you have to go through it and close it on the other side." I stopped jumping at that and ask "we have to go through some?! I thought it would've been easy. Why?!"

He raises an eyebrow hearing me say that "unless you wanna explain why the Pink Palace sign is gone, I'm all ears" I roll my eyes playfully at that. He got me there, but Wybie asks "what?! We have to go through some portals?!" Now he's scared. I nod my head "yeah, we do, only because we can't destroy the Pink Palace sign" he nods his head in understanding. "Okay, let's go!" Charlie just shakes his head and stands in front of Wybie "no, only one a day. Doing this way will be easier for the Other parents won't catch on" Charlie says to us sternly.

Wybie looks down at Charlie sadly, then pets his head "okay, from the way you look, it sounds like a bad idea, so I'll trust you and your decisions. I'll see you later (Y/n), maybe tomorrow after we close another portal?" I smile and nod my head "yeah, that sounds nice."

Beldam's p.o.v

Something bright happened close by, I go to investigate- that tree stump, it's gone! "That's how the brat got here! They're closing the portals." I yelled out, my new husband walks over to me, I upgraded him, but he says "honey, I will get the girl back, just wait and see." I nod my head and say "you better, I need her, as long as she's still out there, I have a chance. You're the only thing I could change! Everything else is falling apart!" After I said that a tree falls. "I see your point, now we have to plan, get the mice to keep an eye out" I nod my head "good.... now let's go back home."

I kissed him for about a minute and we walked back home.

(Y/n)'s p.o.v *again*

I walked back home feeling amazing, Coraline is just looking around at her garden "isn't this pretty?" She asks me, so I nod my head. "Yeah, it looks like everyone did a good job, not to mention they all had fun" she laughs and nods her head. "You know, since we took down the Other Mother, it's been fun around here! Mom and dad are even around more. I don't have to feel like I'm being watched and I didn't lose you... not completely at least." I chuckle and ask "what's that supposed to mean?" She looks at me in the eyes... with sadness.

"You're dating Wyborn, I might not like the kid, but you two are closer together than us! Our sisterly bond isn't even close to what you have with him." I frown and hug her saying "I still love ya sis" she hugged back saying "I just don't want you crying over him if he leaves you. Or if we move again!" I nod my head and make her look me in the eyes "don't worry, I'm a tough girl. Like Wybie said, New York girl knows how to fight" we laugh at that "you're the best sister." I smile hearing that "you are too, now let's go get some lunch" we head inside after our moment.

Mom smiles at us "hey kids, just made you sandwiches, your favorites" I smile big, thank her and begin to eat it as I sit down. "You know mom, pig latin isn't that hard to learn if you try to understand it" I say as I eat. She shakes her head saying "I don't want too, as much as I hate you two keeping secrets... some might not need talking about." I nod my head with Coraline "fair point, love you mom" Coraline says making mom smile. "I love you both, ya knuckleheads!" She rubs her hands on our shoulders, then she left the room.

Now it's just us, so I ask "ya now kay, I on't way eave lay ou yay... ight ray?" She nods her head "eah yay, but o day ou yay eally ray ave hay o tay ike lay yborn Way?" She asks me. I laugh a little, but after my laughing I just nod my head at her question "I don't know how to explain it. We just get eachother, kind of like our sister bond, except some couple things are done once in a while." She gagged at that, making me roll my eyes, but she says "just know you won't ever catch me falling for some boy, sisters before misters."

"Totally, just you wait sis.... just you wait."


Translation "ya know I won't leave you... right?" "yeah, but do you really have to like Wyborn?" I am really liking how this is, but I have to say now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


Closing The Portals (Wybie x reader) [VeRy SlOw UpDaTeS!]Where stories live. Discover now