Chapter 6: Moving out for good

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The doctors took me straight to the stitching room. I won't go into detail, it was gruesome. I had to stay in hospital for 3 whole months, and Tray visited me everyday and on bad days, slept over night. We grew so close like siblings. The day came and i was discharged from hospital. Tray took me straight to his and i had to lay on the sofa and rest. He asked for my keys and moved all my clothes and little things like that into his house. He asked one of his siblings to help move my bed in, so i was alone for a few hours. I lay, watching my favorite comedian, Iliza Schlesinger and trying to get some rest. 
I couldn't. It was impossible. It was getting dark so i reached over for my phone and text to ask if Tray was Ok. He said that the bed was far too wide to fit through the door so they had to take the bed apart. I tried to sleep one more time and suddenly i heard something in the kitchen.I pulled my blanket closer to my face, kinda afraid. I saw a tall, familiar shaped shadow on the ground. My body froze. I remembered that creepy person telling me its happened before. My heart stopped. I turned to look at the back of the sofa, and it was....
The cat. "Stupid cat" I muttered.  I let out a huge sigh of relief and cried from the pain. But as i went to close my eyes i saw the shadow. Again....

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