Emergency Test preparation

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The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

The secret of getting started is breaking

your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks,

and then starting on the first one.

-Mark Twain, American

A structured approach to cramming

* Preview material to be covered

* Be selective: skim chapters for main points

* Concentrate on the main points

Begin with 5 sheets of paper:

1. Identify 5 key concepts or topics that will be covered on the test

Enter one at the top of each page

Use only key words or short phrases

2. In your own words, write an explanation, definition, answer, etc

of several lines or so for the key concept

Do NOT use the text or your notes

3. Compare your response of (2)

with the course source information (text and lecture notes)

4. Edit or re-write your understanding of each topic

considering this course information

5. Sequence and number each page of your topics

1 - 5 in order of importance; 1 = most important

6. Follow the above process for two additional concepts

if you have time

7. Place them in the 1 - 5 sequence and change numbering to 1 - 7

8. Follow the above process for one or two more concepts

for a total of nine.

Follow your comfort level; add topics only as necessary

9. Try not to exceed nine concepts;

focus on the most important

10. Review the day of the test,

but try to relax just before


Best Of Luck.

How do u feel about this...let me know.

For more guideline contact at abhijeet834u@gmail.com

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2008 ⏰

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