Chapter 13: War

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Chapter 13: War

The Guardians weren't looking forward to the next memories. If the last one was any indication, they didn't want to see any more. And Jack still had yet to lose his melancholy expression, which put the others on edge. He looked centuries older without his smile, and it rubbed them the wrong way. With his face set into such a serious expression, and his white hair, if they squinted, they could mistake him for an old man.

"You know... I heard about this guy once... He's called Old Man Winter." Bunny spoke up suddenly.

"Yeah, I've met 'im." Jack replied, shoving his hands in his hoodie pocket. "He's a nice guy. But unfortunately, he's very busy, and doesn't have a lot of time. I didn't even know about him until recently, anyways."

"So he is still around. Rumor said that he passed his mantle onto someone else." Bunny rubbed his chin.

"He did. I've met them both. Both the old one, Old Man Winter, and the new General Winter. Grandpa Winter's a bit of a grouch, but he's a good guy. Just a bit rough around the edges. But General Winter is... well... he's not what you'd expect. He's so bubbly and cheery, and he's honestly someone I'd peg for spring or autumn, not winter." Jack shrugged. "But I suppose everyone has their masks."

"Wow! I didn't know you could pass stuff like that on!" Tooth flitted around excitedly.

"Normally, you can't. But Grandpa Winter's a bit of a special case. The Four Generals are older than dirt, and know a great deal more than the rest of us. I'm the Spirit of Winter, which sorta makes me like his son or grandson. In other words, if General Winter is the King of Winter, then I'm the Prince of Winter." Jack explained.

"So there's a General Summer, General Autumn and General Spring, too?" Tooth tilted her head.

"Yeah, but Autumn and Spring are referred to as 'Admirals' instead of 'Generals'. No real reason. Just Admiral Autumn sounded better. Some people still say Sergeant Spring, but she threw a big hissy fit, saying that if her brother, Autumn, as an Admiral, then she was too."

"Wait... You've met them all?!" Bunny's eyes were wide. It was rare enough to meet one of them, regardless of if you were a spirit, sprite, or Guardian, but to meet all four?!

"Technically, yeah. I've met Admiral Autumn, Sergeant Spring, General Winter, Old Man Winter, and both the old and new General Summer."

"Wait, so Summer gave up his mantle, too?" Tooth blinked.

"She. The old General Summer's a girl. She's Old Man Winter's sister, but call her old and you'll end up melted to the sands of the Lut Desert—hottest place on earth." Jack nodded sagely.

"So you've called her old, then." Bunny deadpanned.

"It was a mistake!" Jack defended himself. "Honestly, she looks really good for her age. But her protégé has a serious language problem. He cusses more than a sailor." Jack muttered. "Not that I've had too much contact with him, but apparently both the new Generals are blood-related twin brothers! Pretty crazy, right? Summer and Winter, twins. But I guess it's fitting, in a sense."

"So if you're essentially the second-in-command of Winter..." Bunny started, waiting for Jack to confirm the information. "Then does that mean that you've met the other princes of the seasons?"

"Well... You heard Damian mention 'Freyr', right? He's the Prince of Summer. He's also a very old Spirit who has been mistaken for a god by several different cultures." Jack informed. "But right now, the seats of prince or princess of Autumn and Spring are vacant." He shrugged. "At least as far as I know. But then again, the other spirits don't exactly keep me in the loop."

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