Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Ivy watched Jake scan his phone's photos through blurry vision. Earlier, she had been bawling in fear as he took pictures of her in distress.

I'm going to die, she thought. I'm going to die wearing gray sweatpants and an ugly T-shirt.

It really didn't matter. She didn't want to die. She didn't understand how she missed the signs that Jake was crazy. He seemed so kind and sweet. So did the serial killer Ted Bundy.

Jake smiled as he looked at one of his pictures and held up the phone for her to see, "It's beautiful, isn't it? Like something out of Glamour Shots. Fear looks good on everyone."

Ivy couldn't speak. Her mouth was gagged. She could feel tears staining her cheeks.

"Are you surprised by all of this, Ivy?" Jake asked. When she didn't respond he became angry and pulled her hair, "Nod yes or no."

Ivy quickly nodded.

"I'm not sure why. We met at a graveyard. How else did you expect this relationship to end?" He began laughing at his own question. Ivy just shuddered.

"Do you want to know why I'm doing this? Do you?" He sat on the bed and held the gun in one hand and his phone in the other, "It has nothing to do with you. It's too bad actually. I kind of liked you. Kind of."

Ivy was watching his hand with the gun. Her body tensed each time he waved his the weapon around. Her wrists and legs were beginning to turn numb from being tied up.

"I guess this means we're breaking up. Well I want to let you know that it's not you. You're not the reason we're ending this. It's because of your friend Alexis."

Alexis? Ivy didn't understand. Did Jake know Alexis?

"I can see by your surprised expression that you're wondering how I know Alexis. I know her very well. She's the woman that ruined not one but two of my relationships. It's that show of gives her too much power over women. It's like she's brainwashing them to think I'm some kind of jealous monster. I'm not a monster Ivy! I'm not!"

Ivy found that hard to believe as she stared at his wild eyes. How could anyone have so much hate in them?

"The thing is...if I want to get her to do what I say...I have to go through someone she knows. Someone she cares about. And it's so much easier to tie down a woman than a man. So whether you like it or not, you're going to help me Ivy. You're going to help me ruin her career and her life."


The next day, Dr. Alexis Reyna was rummaging through her purse when she heard her phone dinging, alerting her of a message. She ignored it.

A few minutes later, Chase walked into their office and greeted her, "Hey Alexis, are you ready for today's show?"

"Of course I'm ready. What better topic could we possibly discuss?"

"I can think of a few," Chase said looking suggestively at her legs.

Alexis chuckled, "Keep it in your pants Dr. Ryder."

He laughed in response and she smiled.

"So when we bring up men in abusive relationships, what stance do you want to take?" Chase asked.

"I think we should both take the same stance- that it's an ongoing serious problem that needs more attention. Is there an alternative stance?"

Chase smiled, "Sounds good to me. Alright, I'll see you in the studio."

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