chapter 3

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Percy pov
We arrived at camp Jupiter and I'm greeted by one of the gods I least wanted to see LUPA
she tells me that even though I was praetor before I left and that shows a sign of weakness and I've got to prove myself by fighting the captain's of the 11 cohorts. You see this is the reason why I don't like Roman goddesses like her just annoying urgh

Reyna pov
I couldn't sleep I'm supposed to fight that handsome body built gorgeous person called Percy what am I gonna do I don't want fight or lose him
Why are these things so difficult.

Percy pov 
Today is the day let's see what these guys got after all this time I put on my bracelet and and my necklace( which is the triton) let's this party started.

Third person pov 
A conch horn was blown which meant breakfast but after that the Battles begin between Percy and camp Jupiter

As i reach the dining hall I get to a tabble and I order blue pancakes and blue diet coke which earns me a couple of weird glances. what can I say old habits never die.
Breakfast is over time for battle!!!!

Third person pov
Percy gets to the arena to start his battle and meets a crowd and 11 people  with battle armour on and what Percy thought was that this was gonna easy because he was just wearing a shirt ,Adidas joggers,and a pair of trainers.

TIME SKIP 30mins
Percy pov
Reyna was sitting on a throne to start my so called test which LUPA just had to force me to do urgh. I started with Gwen from the fifth cohort (sorry I'm not sure what they call it ) ,as Reyna blew her whistle Gwen immediately charged at me but I easily side stepped to the left and used the bunt of my sword to hit her exposed region. As she got up again and charged I easily blocked it but she kept on slashing at me until I got tired of it and I disarmed her and swept her leg and she fell on the floor and I placed my sword on her neck "Do you yield" I told her and I heard her murmur yes. I picked her up and got ready to face my next opponent.

  The next person to fight was an Ares kid from the fourth cohort  who wielded a battle axe .As Reyna blew her whistle the Ares sorry mars kid just charged what is with Romans and charging as he approached me I used my sword to disarm him and I placed my sword on his neck but before I could ask him if he yields he punched right in my face then made me mad and transformed my sword back into a bracelet and I brought my triton which was a necklace and charged him flipping him on to the ground and placed the triton on his neck and asked him do you yield with bitterness evident in my voice and he said yes with disappointment which brought a smile to my face.
Next was a Bacchus kid from third cohort who wielded daggers and was giving me glares like I did something wrong. As Reyna blew her whistle he just stood there waiting for me to attack but I proved him wrong and I waited for him for like 5 minutes then that was when people started getting bored and started murmuring that we were weak that we couldn't fight then that ticked him off and charged me slashing me like a demon then I decided to attack him myself and when I did he took it  as a surprise and wasn't ready to block and he simply fell I placed my sword on his neck and asked him if he yields and he just nodded .
Next was my friend piper from the second cohort still wielding katropis then as Reyna blew her whistle piper tried using her charmspeaking me into dropping my weapon and surrendering it almost worked but I fought it and charged her taking her by surprise and disarming her placing my sword on her neck asking her if she yields she said yes but in a surprise time maybe wondering how I managed to fight her charmspeaki
Next was the person I least wanted to see OCTAVIAN but he was so easy I decided not to use my weapons because he is you know octavian .As the match started octavian was just you know Octavian attacking weakly I was just sidestepping away from his attacks. I later got tired and placed my leg when he went for another and I made eat the diet then placed my sword on his head and asked him if he yields and he said yes with a hint of annoyance .
Third person pov
As percy got ready to fight Reyna he couldn't just stop getting lost in those grey eyes of hers that made him think everything would be great but he just shook it off once the whistle was blown for them to start.  Percy brought his triton this time because she was a worthy opponent. after minutes of slashing , blocking , stabbing , jumping Percy found an opening that she left at her right Percy took this as an opportunity to win as he used the bunt of his triton and hit her as Reyna saw what was coming she tried to block it but was too late as she landed on the floor she saw the tips of percy's triton at her throat
As he asked her if she yields she let a growl then  kicked his leg making him fall giving her an advantage but Percy immediately got up and the fighting  continued. After minutes and minutes of fighting Percy brought his sword and slashed taking her by surprise and she landed on the floor Percy's triton at her throat again asking her the same if she yields after seconds of laying on the floor she yielded admitting defeat with Percy gaining victory and regaining his title as praetor .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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