Chapter 2

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The next day at school everyone had found out about my pregnancy. This was going to be a tough year. Caroline and Cody had become more concerning than usual always telling me 'eat healthy!' Or 'you should get more sleep' It was nice that they cared but to be honest it was annoying sometimes. After what felt like forever it was finally my lunch hour.

"Hey!" Caroline said as I walked to our usual table.

"Hi, why is everyone watching us?"I asked.

"Just ignore them." She said.

"Okay." I murmured taking a bite out of my sandwich, I had been getting a lot more hungry nowadays. Moments later Cody walked into the Cafeteria. He came and sat next to me.

"How's the baby?" He chirped pointing to my stomach.

"He or she is fine." I said laughing at how cute and caring he was being, I could tell he would make an amazing dad.

"You guys are so cute it makes me want to throw up, so stop." Caroline said trying to keep a straight face. But we all just ended up laughing. 45 minutes later the ball rang and we all went to our next classes.


I had survived the rest of the day even though I got some weird looks from some of the teachers. rude, .As I was walking to my car I saw Caroline running towards me with a bunch of books in her hands.

"Woah, slow down!" I exclaimed.

"Where's Cody?" She said ignoring my previous statement.

"He's in space." I said sarcastically.

"Haha very funny, but I'm serious where is he?" She said with a serious face.

"He has football remember?"I said.

"Oh, he should be with you at all times if I can't!" She said with concern in her voice. I waved her off and rolled my eyes.

"Just get in the freaking car!" I said.

After many attempts of trying to open the car and me laughing because it was pretty entertaining, she finally opened the door. I turned on the radio and we talked about random stuff on the way to her house.


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