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So, people just can't get enough of me!! I'm being tagged all over the place! But I mean, come on, who wouldn't? I'm an amazing person who deserves to be tagged.

*puts on some shades and my crown, smiling brightly*

IM JUST KIDDING YOU DUDES!!! But anyways, here I goes.

I was tagged by 123-TheRealTrash-456

1. Do I have a phobia?
Of course! Acrophobia, Arachnophobia, Thalassophobia, Claustrophobia, Nytcophobia, Monophobia, Athazagoraphobia, Agliophobia, Aichmophobia, Atelophobia, Aviatophobia, Gelotophobia, Glossophobia, and so many more... Sorry there's a lot. Xd

2. What would a nightmare be for you?
Hmm, I never really thought of it. I guess one for me would be that my family word outcast me and I'd have no one to turn to...

3. Physical or mental health?
Is this which one I lay more attention to or no? If so, I pay more attention to my mental. I try to stay in shape, but can't. Plus, I'm so messed up on the inside that it hurts... So yeah.

4. Introvert or Extrovert?
Dudes, you already know! IM SUCH A BIG INTROVERT IT'S SAD!!

5. One wish could come true, what would it be?
I would wish for my family to be okay again, but it would just go downhill. So I wish I had lots of money so I cod give it to people who need it. Because the happiness in that is seeing the smiles on their faces.💖

6. Family or Friends?
I love them both, but family over friends for me... Even if we're not perfect.

7. Cats or Dogs?
Hmm, I've had both and love all, but I have a special place in my heart for dogs. (No offense to cats!)

8. Favorite song?
Hmm that's hard, I have A LOT! But right now... I'll have to say  "Girls Like Girls and Boys" by

9. What do you do in your spare time?
Sleep, draw, read, listen to music, video games, TV, oooooorrrr, nah, that's bout it.

10. Nickname?
Ahh yes, the nicknames! Well, ever since I was little I've always had the name "Lazy Old Trinity" and "Skinny Minny". But I ain't skinny no more so yeah. But other ones include Trin, Bum, and recently, Emo Trinity!

11. Favorite milkshake flavor?
Chocolate all day, everyday.

12. Sexuality?
EVERYTHING!! Nah, just kidding. I'm asexual meh dudes. (Shout out to all my Aces!💖)

13. Last person you texted?
PantherKingRyuu cmere!!! XD jk...

14. Life or Death?
Pfft what kind of person you think I am!? Death obviously!

*quotes Burr* Maybe we ought to give it a try...?

.... Anyone get it...... No...... I'll go die now....

15. Last anime I watched?


Tag some peeps. Idk how many but who cares!!

_LittlePrince_mention a user

I hope to see some of you peeps do it!!! I'll enjoy it!!! XDDD UNTIL THEN, PEEEEEEEACE!!!

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