Thirty Two

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He struggled with his mental issues more often than not. He didn't know when he developed them, he didn't know if they were permanent. He had grown abusive, insecure, clingy, unlike anything he was before. He began to despise himself, his own blood boiling as the hate grew and spread like wildfire.

He first moved out to the Academy when his love for film directing truly blossomed. He left his mansion and his wealthy, brain-surgeon parents, even though they didn't live too far away. His mother was everything to him. She was kind, with a heart of gold. She spoiled him almost to death when he was younger, simply because he was an only child in a wealthy family. Growing up, his mother was his place to hide when he was afraid, a friend to play with, a hand to hold.

His father was just as respectable. A family man with ambition, a role model for his son. He didn't spend much time playing catch in the yard with Andy, but he certainly taught him right from wrong and the value of being a part of a tightly knit family. He was supportive of Andy's decision to go to the Arts Academy rather than medical school, where he could follow the family footsteps.

It felt so ironic; his parents were brain surgeons and he wasn't mentally perfect. Maybe, he used to be. Maybe, he created the imperfections himself. Maybe, they had been there the entire time, invisible. He was afraid of letting his parents down. He wanted to impress them; he wanted to do well in school, get his degree, and show them that he could be the son they deserved.

His mind wandered off, and he began to think of his first date with Darien. He remembered the shock on Darien's face when he learned how rich he was, the softness of his voice, the twinkle in his eyes. They were so different then, quiet and shy and always worried about the butterflies they felt around each other. Everything felt fresh and new. He had Darien right where he wanted him. He loved him. Andy himself really didn't know how they got to the point where they are now. For what reason did he have to abuse such a sweet boy? He couldn't think of one.

The image of Darien's sweet smile was torn apart as he began to remember the fear in his eyes as he overpowered him. He remembered keeping Darien's friends away. He remembered slashing Seth's tires. Each memory filled him a little bit more with guilt, but it became so much that he thought he might explode. He wanted to apologize, to both Darien and Seth, but he knew neither of them would want to see him.

On top of that, he was still so upset that he was cheated on in the first place. It almost justified his actions of keeping Seth away. Everything was so confusing; his heart was broken because his love cheated on him, but he also felt he deserved it for being a horrible person. He always felt so back and forth, like he was two different people. Two faced, multiple personalities.

Despite being sad over Darien, and despite still having a love for him, there was another person that caught his eye. Someone kind, soft, genuine. Someone who did their best to accept him, to speak to him, to spend time with him even though word was out that he hurt another individual. Someone who cared.

Her. He pictured Caroline's soft red hair and her little giggle. Just the thought of it made him feel like a brand new man. She was gorgeous, he knew that. Everyone knew that. He was lucky that she would even consider sitting with him to study. It was even crazier knowing that she was friends with Seth and Darien. He didn't deserve her, but a part of him really wanted her.

She'd never say yes, though. Would she? Would she politely deny the request if he were to ask her out? Would she nod and smile? Would she spit in his direction and walk away laughing? Was he so vile that she could do something such as that? No.. he must not be that bad if someone as sweet as Caroline was hanging around him. She was a gem, priceless. He admired her free spirit, her shy personality, and her effortless beauty.

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