Part 35

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Arabella's POV

* from Haz *
Hi my love, how are you ? Xx

It's half past six and I finally open his message, after not speaking to him for the last two days.

I type something, then backspace, then type, then backspace not coming up with the right thing to say, because I know I should have already told him that I'm moving to London next year, more like in just over 4 months.

*from Bella*

*from Harry*
What's wrong ?

*from Bella*
Nothing ?

*from Harry*
You sure love?

*from Bella *
Yeah, everything's okay

*from Harry*
Mmh okay, where are you love?

*from Bella*
At home

*from Harry*
Okay x

Message from Family Group

*from mom*
Your Dad and I have gone out for supper. Will be back after supper, there's leftovers in the fridge :)

* from Bella *
Will do 

*from Shawn*
Enjoy you two, even though you're abandoning us :)

*from Bella*
Don't listen to him, he's just kidding. Enjoy dinner.


I closed my phone, not responding to Harry's last message and walked downstairs to go make something to eat. I heated up some left over macaroni and cheese, sitting down at the table to eat.

I guess eating at twenty to seven is a bit early, so that explains why Shawn isn't here.

"I'm going to go shower." I shout from the kitchen, before walking upstairs to grab clothes to change into after my shower.

"What about supper kiddo." My brother shouts back.

"I heated up some Mac and cheese." I reply, laughing at myself, because of my mom was here she would have shouted at us both.

"Okay enjoy, I'll be downstairs if you need me." He says before I walk into the bathroom, placing my clothes on the counter.

I tie up my hair and hop into the shower standing under the warm water, letting it help me relax.

After I'm done, I change into my clothes and go to lie on my bed. I open my phone and decide to scroll through Instagram. Feeling absolutely exhausted, I set an alarm to wake me up in twenty minutes, because it's only seven, and I can still get some work done after a nap.

I lock my phone, placing it next to bed while I roll over and place my head onto the soft silk pillow.


I feel someone gently shaking me, trying to get me to wake up.

"Shawn I've set an alarm, I'll be up in a bit." I say groaning into my cushion, grabbing the blanket and pulling it higher up and snuggling it into my face.

I feel the bed dent on the other side and the blanket tugging slightly away from being close to me.

I feel lips on mine, immediately recognizing his scent and lips, I keep my eyes closed and kiss back. I can feel a small smirk on his lips causing me to roll over on top of him.

(Harry is wearing a shirt )

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(Harry is wearing a shirt )

"Mmmh" I say into his lips, enjoying him without any other thoughts for a short moment in time.

I feel Harry's hands run through my hair, one coming back up to rest on my cheek. I pull away gently, immediately regretting moving as I feel the cold air on my lips, and all the thoughts that start to flood my head.

I feel his hand gently move a piece of hair behind my ear that had fallen into my face. I look into his eyes, noticing his look of expectancy, knowing he just said something that I didn't hear.

"Mmh, repeat please."

"What's wrong love?" he says lowly. I turn my head to the side, slightly avoiding his gaze, remembering that I had ignored his last message because I haven told him that I'm moving to London.

He hooks his fingers on my cheek, gently pushing to that my eyes are on his again.

"I know you, and I know that there's something wrong. You know you can tell me." He says genuinely, causing me to nod slowly.

I feel my eyes start to water slightly so I look away again, kind of scared about what's about to happen.

"Hey hey, look at me, I'm here for you, always." He says again causing me to blink the tears away by looking upwards.

"Always?" I say looking back to him.

"Yes my love, unless you're trying to tell me you stole my Rolling Stones hoodie." He says causing me to laugh lightly and shake my head.

"Umm, so I got accepted to the Royal London Ballet School." I say softly receiving a gasp in return.

"That's incredible! I knew you would!" He says genuinely happy.

"I'm scared." I continue.

"Of what? You are the most talented girl I know, you have nothing to be scared of love."

"But I don't want to leave you." I say almost close to a whisper, that if he wasn't listening, he would have missed it. He obviously heard it when he wrapped his arm around me, giving me a hug while still looking into my eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere?" He says, which comes out as more of a question.

"If you don't want to keep up a long distance relationship that's okay, and I mean you'll be with Chloe the same place every day, while I'll be a 7 hour flight awa-" He cut me off by placing his soft lips onto mine, causing me to hum.

"I love you Belle, nobody and no distance can change that okay? I'm not going anywhere." He says pulling away, resting his forehead against mine.

I stare at him wide eyes, listening to those words roll off his tongue, makes me feel like they have been for the last seven months.

"Belle, did you hear me." He says, gently rubbing the pad of his thumb against my cheek.

"Mmh, repeat please." I say, knowing I heard him before, but genuinely wanting to hear it again.

"I love you Bel-" I cut him off by placing my lips onto his once again, pulling away by an inch.

"I love you." I say, causing a smile to spread across our faces.

"I have a feeling you heard me the first time." He says causing me to giggle and nod.

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