chapter ten

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You swim as fast as you can. You need to get the closest mermaid clan as soon as possible. You can't see the bottom of the ocean, only a black abyss and you carry on swimming knowing mermaids never like to be in open water. They like to live in coral caves.

It takes a couple more minutes of zooming through the water until you see start seeing a coral island. It's beautiful.. you know this was the place your father was supposed to take you too. The corals sparkle all different colours and you nearly start crying again. No. You have to be strong and get help before jack does something.

You swim around for hours at least and the sky starts to darken and you know it won't be safe after dark because all the dangerous sea creatures come out to hunt. You get more anxious as you realise you might not find anyone to help you. You swim around faster and everything starts to blur as tears fill your vision when  you suddenly bump into a rock hard chest. You look up to sea the most handsome merman you ave ever laid eyes on and without thinking you hug him as tight as you can and sob into his chest. At first he stiffens but he soon relaxes and hug you to and rubs your back in a comforting way.

"You have to help me," you mumble into his chest "m-my fathers been taken by humans"

He stiffens up and gently pulls away. His hand goes up and caress your cheek making you look into his eyes "I'm sorry but your father won't be coming back then"

You start shaking him frantically "NO!! L-listen to me, he's safe for now but he won't be for long" you see his eyes dull down in disbelief, you know he doesn't believe you "please, my father is all I have left.. I can't lose him too."

"Little mermaid, you don't understand.. the humans round here are dangerous. The humans have-" you cut him off.

"I don't care about the humans here! I need help!! Take me to your clan and I'll convince them to help me." You poke his chest multiple times until he turns round suddenly, tears threading to fall, and grabs your hands.

"The humans here have killed all the clans that live here. If your father needs help, he's either dead now or you won't ever find help around here."

Your heart sinks to the deepest ocean depths.

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