Ask or Dare Harley

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Admin: give some ask or dares to Harley- Harley get your head out of that book

Harley: sorry

Admin: anyway tell a bit about yourself Harley

Harley: well I am a Slytherin. I like to travel and write I also read. My favourite classes are potions and care for magical creatures and I love chocolate. Especially after full moons, they help me feel calm and collective

Admin: good, so you want to say anything to the readers?

Harley: oh, I also have a older friend named Ash, she's a ravenclaw and she is really really smart. Plus she's a fifth year, I also have another friend in Hufflepuff and her name is Ember, she is not weak and do not cross her. Otherwise you'll find yourself in a pretzel

Admin: okay.... anyway here is Harley ask some questions and dare some dares

Ask or Dare Harley DavidsonWhere stories live. Discover now