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Sans was patrolling in his AU when he heard a faint scream. Without thinking, he quickly teleported there to help the screaming monster.

He reached the​ destination but​ turns out, it was just a foggy black skeleton, also known as Hate, screaming out in front of a black glitching skeleton, Error. Between them was a messy pile of cards.

When sans saw them his expression quickly changed from worry to wtf. 'What mood was Hate in to even ended up playing cards!?' He thought.

Error saw him first so​ she opened up her portal and tried to jump in.

Hate saw what​ Error was going to do. Quickly, he grabbed Error's hoodie preventing her from getting away. Error glared at Hate and crossed her arms.

Hate turned around, only to​ met​ With​Sans. "What do you want?" He hissed.

"Me? Nothing! I just came​ here because of a​ girly scream coming from someone." Sans smirked. "Also, who's that?"

"This is Error." Hate said, wanting to​ended the​ conversation fast.​"Ok then. I have three more questions for you."

"What?!" Hate snapped, not wanting​ ​to​ answered any more stupid questions. "And why should I answer your questions, Outer?"

"Because if you don't, I will call Ink​ or Dream to​ come here and deal with you.​" Outer said, picking up his phone from his pocket. He also noticed that Error flinched at the word 'Ink' but maybe it was just his own imagination.

After all, why should anyone be scared of the friendly creator? Unless he was​ angered by​ something but​ that's another​ story.

Back to​ the​ present, Hate had no reaction but he knew that if Ink or Dream came here, it would be a​ huge problem for him.

"Fine!" He said with an annoyed look.
"Ok. So first, why are you.....?" Outer pointed at Hate and Error. Error looked at Hate in questionable look. As​ Outer waited for an answer, he looked at the​ void, a​ space below them, a​ place​ where it​ will​ destroyed you​ slowly and​ painfuly until you​ got erased out​ of​ existense​.

'If someone fell down there it​ would...' Snapping back from​ his own thoughts, he saw Hate​ quickly let go of Error, who wasn't complaining. And without​ much​ ​to​ do, Error sat down and began to make a​ puppet​ while listening to​ their conversations.


Outer sighed out,​ letting it​ slide for now, because​ he feels like​ he​ was​ going to​ have​ a​ headache if he​ didn't stop.​

"Second, why were you screaming before I came here?" He looked at Hate suspiciously, while Hate just looked back at him blankly.

Hate didn't want to​ answer but​ the​ thoughts of​ Ink​ or Dream coming to​ chased​ after his​ butt leave him​​ no choice.

"It was because-" "HE lOst thAt​ caRD GAmE AGainSt mE." Error cut him off, earning Hate's glare as a​ result.​Outer flinched at Error's sudden voice but chuckled a bit at Hate's reaction.

After a​ while​ of​ Hate's glaring contest, Outer asked. "What​ happened before I came​ here?"

This​ question made Hate and​ Error​ thinking back on how they​ met​ and​ how​ did the​ situation become a​ Q&A time.

Befor Outer came​ about​ an hour ago,​ Error​ was​ going​ to​ leave but​ a​ shadowy figure dashed toward her, catching her off guard.

That figure​ was​ Hate, he dashed toward Error​ wanting to​ killed her.​ He​ gripped onto his sharp bone and​stabbed Error​ with it​ but​ Error​ dodge out​ of​ the​ way just​ ​in​ ​time.​ Quickly​ Error​ pulled out​ her strings​ from​ her​ eye sockets and because​ of​ how​ carelessly she​ was, her​ eye​ sockets​ were dripping blood.​

Hate saw those blood​ but​ he could careless, after all he​ wanted to​ kill Error, to​ hear her screams and most importantly to​ see her​ suffered.

Within a​ second, the​ fight began and​  ended as fast as​ it​ started. Error​ won and​ Hate lost.​ But​ unfortunately, Error's​ leg was​ broken​ into two pieces, the​ first​ piece was​ still connecting to​ he​r joint and​ the​ second​ piece​ was​ on​ the​ ground next to​ her, shattered a​ bit.​ Also, on​e of​ her​ ribs cracked but​ other​ than that she​ was​ fine.​ So​ Error​ used her​ strings​ and​ tied her​ broken​ leg​ together, fixing it.

As for Hate, he was speechless. How​did​ Error​ not even winced in​ pain? All​ of​ his​ sorry excuse as life, when​ someone was​ hurt they​ would react something.​ But​ Error​ had​ no reaction, like​ this​ was​ a​ normal thing​ for​ her.

And​ as​ if that​ wasn't​ enough she​ gave him​ mercy, also​ refusing to​ hurt​ him.​ The​ fight​ also​ ended because​ Hate​ got caught in​ Error's​ strings​ and​ gave​ up.

In​ the​ end, Hate​ pulled​ out​ a​ box​ of​ cards and​ invited Error​ to​ play with him.​ Error​ accepted the​ invitation, so​ the​y play for a​ while and Hate lost.​ He screamed out​ in​ frustration and​ a​ few​second​s later Outer came.

Error​ snickered at the​ memory and finishing off​ the​ last​ detail on her puppet.

Hate chuckled "I tried to​ killed​ ​Error​and​-" "YOU WHAT!?!"

Outer​ screamed, cutting Hate off.​ He​was​ going to​ continued but​ got cut off by something soft hit his face, it​ was​ Error's​ puppet that looked like​ him.

"PlEAse DOn'T ShoUt aND cALm DOwN." Error​ said, making​ Outer​ sighed but​ listen anyway.​

"So, like​ I said before, I​ tried​ to​ kill​ Error​ but​ lost.​ Then​ we played that devil's game" Hate pointed​ at the​ messy pile of​ cards, hissing "anddddd I​ lost, again.​ You​ know what​ happen next."

After Hate finished, Outer was lost in his own thoughts. One of​ them​ was​'How did Error​ win against Hate?'​ But​ he was snapped back to​ reality by Error who told​ him​ to​ keep the​ puppet and​ said goodbye to him and Hate before​ left through he​r portal.

Outer and Hate stared​ at each other​ then the​ pile​ of​ cards.​ With a silent agreement, they​ teleported away.​ Leaving the​ cards​ alone.

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