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I'm sorry Jon

Object class: Keter

Special containment procedures: SCP-4xxx is to be kept in a specially designed 20ft x 15ft room with concrete walls 10 feet or thicker sealed with a solid 5ft thick titanium door, at Site-66 where it is the sole SCP, level 4 access or higher and a rigorous psychological evaluation are required to access SCP-4xxxs room, anyone attempting to gain access to SCP-4xxxs chamber without proper authorization is subject to immediate termination. SCP-4xxx is to be monitored at all times. Upon entering SCP-4xxxs chamber all personnel are required to hold a standard issue pistol to their head at all times and self terminate if SCP-4xxx becomes hostile. SCP-4xxx is to be fed as many times a day as needed or requested to sate it's hunger, but's should be fed half a pound of lasagna no less than ten-fifteen times a day. SCP-4xxx is not allowed at any point to leave its chamber, if at any point SCP-4xxx breaches containment all personnel are instructed to self terminate rather than be "consumed" by SCP-4xxx. At no point is SCP-4xxx allowed access to other SCPs, anomalies, or the Foundation database. Possible relation to SCP-3166 is being investigated.

Description:SCP-4xxx appears as a large moderately overweight male orange tabby cat (Felis catus) of unknown age, origins, with no distinguishable anomalies of anatomy. SCP-4xxx will not gain weight no matter how much lasagna it consumes, it is also capable of speech no matter it's form. SCP-4xxx resembles the cat created by cartoon artist Jim Davis known as Garfield. SCP-4xxx is capable of morphing and shaping its body in unnatural and grotesque ways of varying heights, it is also capable of shaping itself in the form of other creatures and people, however it is easily distinguishable due to the fact that when in human form it has black void like eyes that are incapable of reflecting light and is also unable to change its voice, which has been described as sounding like "dirty velvet." SCP-4xxx is capable of absorbing into itself the body and soul of anyone it consumes which grows it's power and size. SCP-4xxx almost emotionless and seems to feel no remorse for those it has consumed and will consume almost any it can gain access to. SCP-4xxx has exhibited an interest in finding "Jon," the same name of Garfield's owner in the comic, SCP-4xxx will respond to the name Garfield or even at one point responded to god.

Addendum-1: SCP-4xxx was contained on 6/6/2006 in [REDACTED] by Retrieval Teams [REDACTED] all of whom were killed or "consumed" prior to containment. SCP-4xxx was retrieved after a series of disappearances and mutilated corpses were reported having been partially eaten, as well as all food being consumed within every building. Only one survivor of SCP-4xxx was ever found, partially eaten, yet still alive.

[See interview-1]


Interviewer: Agent Gray

Interviewee: Jonathon Arbuckle

[Begin Log]

Agent Gray: "So, Mr. Arbuckle what happened on—"

Arbuckle: "It ate him."

Agent Gray: "Excuse me?"

Arbuckle: "Garfield ate Odie."

Agent Gray: "who is Odie Mr. Arbuckle?"

Arbuckle: "My dog. Garfield ate him."

Agent Gray: "Are you aware of—"

Arbuckle: "I know what he can do. Everything."

Agent Gray: "is that so? Well then, when did this start?"

Arbuckle: "A little while ago, after I... (subject begins to shake.)

Arbuckle: "... I forgot to buy more lasagna. He became so hungry he— he... (subject begins to sob uncontrollably)

[End Log]

Notes: Subject escaped Foundation custody prior to being administered amnesiacs. Subject should be contained as soon as possible due to possible anomalous properties. Any information regard Mr. Jonathon Arbuckle should be reported to Site-66s administrator.

Testing logs:


D-76331 provided with a standar pistol and instructed to self terminate if at any point they feel endangered. Subject introuduced into SCP-4xxxs containment chamber, the doors are then immediately sealed. SCP-4xxx is observed in its normal cat form.

D-76331: "What's this? Garfield the cat." (Subject begins to laugh)

SCP-4xxx: "Precisely."

D-76331 stops laughing and becomes visibly intrigued. SCP-4xxx begins walking towards D-76331. D-76331 crouches And reaches out to pet SCP-4xxx.

SCP-4xxx: "Are you here to feed me?"

D-76331: (laughs) "You are Garfield!"

SCP-4xxx: "Yes."

D-76331: "Woah, it's awesome to meet you! I've always been a fan of yours!" (Subject begins to pet SCP-4xxx)

SCP-4xxx: "A fan? It is good to meet a fan."

(D-76331 and SCP-4xxx begin to converse on the topic of Garfield comic strips. SCP-4xxx shows complete knowledge of any material regarding the comics.)

D-76331 is instructed via intercom to leave the room and proceeds to do so. SCP-4xxx is questioned on why it did not try to consume D-76331. SCP-4xxx responded, "my hunger was sated and I saw no need to consume him."

Note: SCP-4xxx had been fed less than an hour earlier.


One mouse introduced into SCP-4xxx's chamber. Scp-4xxx proceeds to watch the mouse, but refrains from eating it. The mouse is then successfully removed and incinerated.

Note: That was interesting. Why didn't it eat the mouse? —Dr. Markson


SCP-4xxx was not fed the normal fourteen times a day, instead it was fed twelve times. D-97807 is introduced into the chamber with a standard issue pistol and instructions to self terminate if they feel endangered. SCP-4xxx upon seeing D-97807 proceeds to shift its body in a tall grotesque form, making it approximately twelve feet tall (3.685 meters). SCP-4xxx's form resembles that of a centipede composed of flesh. For the duration of the transformation flesh could be heard ripping and bones can be heard cracking and breaking.

D-97807 begins to scream and bang on the door. SCP-4xxx approaches D-97807 slowly and begins to speak, "it's been too long since I had not only food, but a soul." D-97807 begins to fire the pistol at SCP-4xxx, causing SCP-4xxx to begin laughing. SCP-4xxx's torso splits open into a mouth and SCP-4xxx begins to drag D-97807 into its "mouth" using tendril which had split from its body and lengthened. During being consumed by SCP-4xxx, D-97807 screams until they are completely absorbed into SCP-4xxx's form, upon being consumed, SCP-4xxx's form visually grows and then it shifts back into its natural cat form.

SCP-4xxx turns toward the cameras and spoke, "it has been a while since I had some quality food, my hunger is sated. I can taste his sins."

Note: "I think we should refrain from further testing with D-class personnel, the last thing we want to do is make it stronger. —Dr. Markson

Document #4xxx-01: A list of requests made by SCP-4xxx.

• Request: Garfield comics (granted)

• Request: Jon (denied multiple times)

• Lasagna (granted multiple times)

• Cat bed (granted)

• Outdoor time (denied)

• Access to Garfield themed television programs (awaiting 05 approval)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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