Chapter 98

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The following night on Monday Night RAW was going to be some special night for you. You had the title around your waist, Paige was cleared for competition, and TJ finally has a match on 205 Live.

You were kicking off the showing with a small promo and a match right after against Ruby Riott. Your song rang throughout the arena as the WWE Universe go onto their feet and started cheering. Walking out to the arena felt different for you since you have a title to now uphold and defend day in and day out.

You entered the ring with a microphone in hand, but the crowd didn't want you to speak quite yet. You laughed as the crowd was chanting and even started singing your entrance song.

"Wow! I might need to do a remix on my song. You guys sound great," you said.

The Universe cheered before you could continue.

You continued on, "Fastlane was crazy last night. We had a lot of stuff happen, and one of them being this, the RAW Women's Championship. I came face to face with Ronda Rousey, and I got her to tap out! I'm not gonna lie about this, but I was nervous. I never faced someone like Ronda Rousey, but after my victory, we both showed each other respect and I thank her for that. Ronda, we both took each other over the edge and we fought tooth and nail for this title, but the best woman came out on top."

The crowd cheered as you raised the title up in the air signifying that you are the better woman.

"Now that Fastlane is over, it's time for the grandest stage of them all... Wrestlemania! We all know who won the Women's Royal Rumble, but she hasn't chosen a champion yet. I wonder who it's gonna be? It is gonna be me or it is gonna be Naomi? Becky Lynch, you gotta choose at some point in time," you said.

Before you could say another word the Riott Squad came out. You had a match against Ruby, but the Liv and Sarah had to be there like always. You stood back letting the girls take center stage.

You handed the ref your title and stood in the corner as Ruby did the same while Liv and Sarah jumped to ringside. Now you have two jobs in this match, focus on Ruby and have eyes in the back of your head.

(Skipping the match)

You pinned Ruby fair and square while Liv and Sarah rolled around on the ground holding the back of their heads and other body parts. Let's just say... the match got a little messy with a dash of cheating. All per Rudy Riott and the squad.

Heading back to the locker room Paige stopped you and talked for a bit.

"Hold up Champ," Paige called out.

You turned around, "There's my injured girl. Do you need any help? I can assist you?"

Paige chuckled, "Shut up. You're the one who needed help."

"Whatever. How long do you have until you're cleared," you asked.

"A few more weeks. Good job out there," Paige replied.

"Thanks. I'm gonna go clean up, then I'll be back out here," you told her as you walked off towards the locker room.


After you cleaned yourself up, you roamed around the backstage area looking for a certain someone. Where oh where is my Playboy? You walked everywhere and anywhere that TJ could be hanging out. He's not in an empty hallway, not sitting in the stairway, not in the viewing room, he doesn't have a match, and he's not in the locker room. Now you're getting nervous, you even tried to text him and he's not responding.

"Finn! Have you seen TJ," you asked.

"Sorry, I haven't seen him. Have you asked his buddies," he asked.

"I asked Ali, but he said we wasn't in the locker room," you replied.

"Well I don't know where he is, hope you find him soon," he said waving off.

"Thanks. Good luck tonight," you said waving back.

The search continued for the missing Pinoy boy. You asked the girls, his friends, even the staff members. No one's seen TJ and you're starting to freak out, you might even get a panic attack that you've never had before.

You continue to search all around the arena for him, still no sign of him. As you keep walking around like a lost puppy your eyes start to water at the thoughts your mind was having. Where is he? I need him. Oh gosh, I hope he's not cheating on me behind my back, but he wouldn't do that... would he? Your mind kept racing and thinking the worst that tears are now streaming down your face and you don't even notice until one of the Cruiserweights stop you.

"Hey, Y/N. Are you okay? You're crying," Cedrick asked.

You touched your cheek and felt the water, "I didn't notice, sorry."

"What's wrong? Talk to me," he said.

"I can't find TJ and I'm freaking out. My mind is thinking the worst and it's clouding my common scene," you said.

"Where have you looked," he asked.

"Empty hallways, the stairs, viewing room, catering, I asked if he was in the locker room, I've asked everyone and they don't know where he is," you said with more tears falling.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't cry, he's probably talking to his mom or something," he said.

"I even texted his mom and she said she hasn't heard from him in a while," you replied.

"I can ask Swann," he implied.

You shook your head in agreement. Cedrick and you found Swann not that far away from us and asked if he saw TJ around, apparently, he saw him before my match and he hasn't seen him since. Your mind kept racing and thinking, it wasn't looking too good for you. The boys looked at you and asked if you were good, but you couldn't hear them at all. Your mind took over your body, and you collapsed with tears gushing down your cheeks. Swann and Cedrick panicked and didn't know what to do, Swann offered to stay with you while Cedrick sprinted down the hallway shouting, "Where's TJ! We need him right now!"

After a good six minutes, Cedrick comes running back with TJ in tow to you and Swann. TJ couldn't see you yet because Cedrick was blocking most of the view, then he saw the full display.

"Oh sh- Y/N," TJ said rushing to you.

He kneeled down on the floor where you were with your knees blocking your vision. You felt a hand on your back which caused your head to pop up instantly. You looked behind you and saw the man you were looking for. You balled even harder once your vision was clear enough for you to see him. TJ took you in his arms and stroked your hair.

"I'm here, I'm right here. It's okay, everything's okay. Calm down, calm down, listen to me," he said calmly.

You started focusing on his words and brought your heart rate and breathing back to normal. He continued to speak slowly and calmly until you were stable again. After a few minutes, you were stable again and able to speak again.

"What happened to you," he asked.

"I was looking for you and I couldn't find you. Where did you go," you asked slowly.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I was outside talking to an old friend of mine of the phone," he said.

"Okay. I legit looked for you everywhere and my mind-," you tried to say before he cut you off.

"Don't finish that sentence, you know I would never do that to you. I'm sorry, I got your text but I was in mid-conversation," he said.

You nodded, "Okay. I'm just glad you're safe and here again."

He smiled, "Yeah, I'm safe. Let's go get something to eat in catering and calm down even more?"

You nodded again, "Yes please."

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