Chapter Four: The Truth About Sandy.

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Steve POV

Work was very busy today and we had so many customers. I must've fixed over 50 cars! Darry swung by on his way home from his latest roofing job to get the truck filled up with gas and while he was there he asked Soda and I if we needed a ride and it just so happened that we did since Soda and I would be getting off work soon, so we told him we did need a ride home. When we got back to The Curtis House it was unusually quiet when we walked in. That was weird. The only one we know for sure is home is Taylor and even then she's always downstairs when we get home from work but she wasn't down there today. I'm especially surprised that Two-Bit isn't here and drinking beer and watching Mickey Mouse. Two-Bit's always here getting drunk and Mickey Mouse is always on the television blasting at full volume. Two-Bit wasn't even here which is odd for him. He might be at Buck's getting drunk and trying to get with another blonde that we know he will fail and and exaggerate a story on how he got with her. That's just Two-Bit for ya. "That's weird, usually this place is party central whenever we get home from work." Soda jokes. " we're home!" Darry calls out. "We'll be down in a minute!" We heard Taylor call back from upstairs in her room. Who does she mean by we? She better not have a boy up there, even though she's dating Johnny, Darry has this strict rule that no boys are allowed up in her room especially not her boyfriend. Darry doesn't want Taylor getting in trouble and ending up pregnant so young when she's clearly not ready for that responsibility. Don't tell Taylor's brothers but I can totally see it. I know Johnny will give her a baby eventually and when he does Darry will have a heart attack or an annurisum or both. Johnny told Dally and me he's ready to take the next step with Taylor and Evie told me Taylor told her and the girls the same thing about Johnny. I'm afraid of what she'd be like during the actual delivery. I've heard women scream and threaten their boyfriends and husbands so Taylor will be doing that and making all kinds of sarcastic remarks when she's in delivery. I actually chuckle at the thought. Taylor can be really sarcastic when she wants to be. The gang finds it funny, but Darry And Soda Don't find it funny. I should really ask her about what all she would say and do when she's in delivery. Taylor comes downstairs from her bedroom and At the same time Dally comes downstairs from the bathroom. I look at them suspiciously. That's strange that they both come downstairs at the same time and Dally came from the bathroom. I never even heard Dally going to the bathroom and flush the toilet. I made a note in my head to ask him about it. Dally must've been in Taylor's room with her. What was Dally doing in Taylor's room? "Have You done your homework yet young lady?" Darry asked Taylor in a parental tone he always uses with her and Ponyboy. "Not yet, I'll do it after dinner." Taylor tells Darry. " you better get it done young lady. What were you doing all this time up in your room if you weren't doing homework?" Darry asked Taylor sternly. "I was upstairs resting. I'm tired and it's been a really long day at school." Taylor awnsers. I know she's lying. I can see right through her. "Well I'm gonna go get cleaned up from work today and it's Soda's turn to make dinner so you just start up your homework." Darry commands. Taylor groans at the mention of Soda making dinner which makes Dally and me chuckle. It's not that Soda's a bad cook, it's just that he uses food coloring in the food when he cooks and makes the food all different colors. It looks unappetizing and it taste gross. Soda's food would be good if he didn't ruin it with food coloring. "What's for dinner tonight?" Taylor asked cautiously. "Green Chicken, Blue Potatoes And Red Corn." Soda replies grinning. Taylor makes a face at that. She hates Potatoes and corn but she loves chicken, she just doesn't like colorful chicken and I can't say I'd blame her either. Soda will never stop using food coloring in the food simply because he's Sodapop. "Count me out! I think I'll just go to The Dingo for a burger or something." Taylor replies in discust. I'd rather have a Dingo burger too. The burgers at The Dingo are MUCH better than Soda's colorful cooking. If only Soda would learn to stop using food coloring in the food, it would actually be edible. I don't know why Darry even let's Soda cook in the first place. " come on! You'll love it!" Soda tries to persuade Taylor. "You can't go to The Dingo. You eat enough of those burgers already and it's not healthy for you." Darry tells Taylor. " but there SO GOOD! It should be illegal for Those Burgers to be SO DELICIOUS!" Taylor exclaims dramatically. Soda, Dallas , me And Darry all laugh at our little drama queen. She's making it sound like it's the end of the world if she doesn't get A Dingo burger and she has to eat Soda's colorful inedible cooking. Taylor's such a drama queen, she can make anything sound dramatic. " your staying here for dinner and that's final." Darry said putting his foot down. When Darry Curtis says something is final, he really means it and you have no choice but to listen to him and not argue about it. Darry starts to walk to his bedroom to get a change of clothes for after his shower and Soda heads for the kitchen to start preparing for us all to meet our doom with his colorful cooking. "Your so cruel." Taylor mutters under her breath at Darry. Of course Darry can still hear her. Darry Curtis has excellent hearing. "What was that?" Darry asked knowing very well what she said. "Nothing!" Taylor exclaims quickly. Darry scowls at her and goes into the bathroom to shower. With Darry getting in the shower and Soda in the kitchen it's just Taylor, Dallas And I in the living room. I thought now would be a perfect time to ask Taylor and Dally what they were doing in her room. "I need to talk to you guys." I say to Taylor and Dally. " we actually need to talk to you about something too." Dally awnsers. "Let's go somewhere private, we need to be able to talk freely and Soda can't know about it." Taylor whispers to me. "Well we're not going in your room." I say firmly. "We can just go in Sodapop and Ponyboy's room." Dally suggests. "I'm not allowed in there and if anyone sees us coming out of Soda and Pony's room it will look suspicious." Taylor argues. "Then let's go talk in the lot." Dally awnsers. "Ponyboy and Johnny might be at the lot. Their always at the lot. We can't take a Chance of them hearing this if they're there." Taylor argues again. "What could be so bad that nobody can know?" I ask. "It's about Sandy." Dally whispers into my ear. My eyes just about bug out of my head when Dally says Sandy. Now I can understand why no one else can know. Sandy is still a very sensitive and touchy subject for Sodapop. He still loves her and he's still heartbroken over their break up and her moving to Florida. It must be something bad about her and Ponyboy would tell Sodapop for sure if he knew. Ponyboy tells Sodapop everything. I never liked Sandy and I could tell Taylor didn't either. Sandy seemed too fake and got easily jealous at any girl around Sodapop, even his own sister! Sandy thought Soda's world should revolve around her and only her and she only wanted him to pay attention only to her and no one else, not even his own family and best friend! She was extremely selfish and self centered. She was kinda psychotic and Soda is SO IN LOVE with her that he just doesn't see it. Sandy was around when The Curtis Parents were killed in that car accident. Soda was a mess at the funeral and Sandy was complaining about how he wasn't paying any attention to her and she was acting like a spoiled whiny brat at Soda's own parents funeral! Sandy must have some kinda spell on Soda because in his own grief he started paying attention to her. Sandy was complaining she was bored and wanted to leave in the middle of the service so Soda and her left in the middle of the funeral service! That made me hate Sandy even more. That girl is pure evil I tell ya! She's finally gone and Soda's STILL pineing over her like a Love sick puppy! There's seriously something wrong with Sandy and I have a feeling that whatever Dal and Tay are about to tell me will just prove again how evil she really is. " let's just take a chance and go to my room." Taylor said sighing. Dally And I follow Taylor upstairs to her bedroom. Once we're all in there, she closes and locks the door. Dally And I sit down on her bed and Dally nods at Taylor giving her the go ahead. Taylor takes a couple of deep nervous breaths and clears her throat. "Ok everything I have to tell you is about Sandy and none of them are good." Taylor begins. " yeah I kinda figured that. I know none of us except For Soda really liked Sandy. Sandy is evil." I say. Taylor nods. " I don't want Soda knowing anything about this because it would break his heart even more and we can't do that to him." Taylor replies sadly. " What do you need to tell us about the wicked evil bitch of the west?" I said to lighten the mood. Taylor giggles knowing I mean Sandy when I say 'The Wicked Evil Bitch of the west.' "Back when Sodapop And Sandy were dating and Soda would bring Sandy Back to our house, Sandy would pretend to be nice to me in front of Soda and Darry, but as soon as she got me alone, she would show her true colors and tell me I better stay away from Sodapop if I know what's good for me. I told her Soda's my brother and we live in the same house and I can't Stay Away from him and she said I better find a way to stay away from Sodapop or else it's not gonna end well for me." Taylor admits. I sit up and I'm outraged by this news. " you mean she threatened you!?" I exclaimed angrily. Taylor nods in tears now. Dally pulls Taylor down in his lap and rubs soothing circles on her back. "How dare she threaten the baby of the gang!" I exclaimed outraged. "She just can't get away with that! " Dally seethes dangerously. "Then she started bragging about how Sodapop loves her more than he loves me and that she's the only thing that's on his mind, not me, not Ponyboy, not Darry, not you Steve but her and only her." Taylor cries now. I can't believe Sandy would do something like this... well I actually can believe it since it's Sandy we're talking about. "That Lying Selfish Bitch!" I exclaimed. I'm so mad at Sandy I can't even think straight! I knew That Selfish Bitch was no good! " there's more Steve and it gets worse, Much worse." Dally tells me With a murderous look in his eyes. Whatever it is that has Dallas Winston looking murderous probably takes the fucking cake of everything bad about Sandy. Dally nods at Taylor giving her the 'go on tell him ' look. "Steve, do you remember the time when I was jumped by The Socs and ended up in a coma?" Taylor asks me. I nod not liking where this is going one bit and I have a sinking feeling she's about to tell me Sandy was involved with her near death. "Sandy was so overcome by jealousy for me just for being in Sodapop's life that she paid a bunch of Socs to follow me around and jump me as I'm coming home. She gave them a message to give to me: Flashback: I was walking home from school like I normally do. I kept looking back behind me because I had this weird feeling someone was following me , when I didn't see anyone I just shrugged it off thinking that I was being paranoid. I was walking through the lot to get to my house and a blue mustang pulls up beside me. I start to run away but they were out of the car. The biggest Soc Paul Holden, Darry's ex best friend caught me. He put his hands around my neck and started strangling me. I couldn't breathe! Paul held me down and the other Socs started beating me and the beatings would get worse if I tried to fight. A Soc Who I Didn't Even Know His name took out a switchblade and cut me deeply with it and stabbed me. I was bleeding very badly. Before I knew it, The Soc was ripping my clothes off and I felt a stabbing pain. The Soc was attacking me and the other Socs were beating me. I started screaming but The Soc slapped me to shut up. " we have a message for you from Sandy. She says to tell you to stay away from Sodapop And Sodapop is hers you dumb whore." Randy tells me. "Sodapop is my Brother, I don't like him like that." I tried to protest. "Sandy said you'd say something like that and to tell you she doesn't care if Sodapop's your brother or not, Sodapop is her boyfriend and you better stay away from him." Paul tells me. "Why Are you doing this to me? Why is Sandy doing this to me? I've literally done nothing to you guys." I say in tears. "We're doing this because your a greaser And Sandy paid us good money to jump you and do whatever we wanted to you. Sandy wants to prove your no good so Sodapop will hate you and you can stay away from him." Randy awnsers me. The Socs continue beating me and attacking me. I black out and the next thing I know I'm in the hospital and I'm hooked up to a bunch of machines with Darry and Johnny on either side of me in tears. Everyone but Soda was there. Soda was out with Sandy." Flashback ends. "Taylor explains. Taylor is Crying really hard now and Dally is doing his best to comfort her while having a dangerous and murderous look on his face. I'm madder then hell to learn Sandy paid Socs to attack and basically kill Taylor just because she's jealous of Taylor because she doesn't want Taylor around Sodapop. "That Bitch! " I exclaim in a rage now. "I'm gonna Murder every single Soc especially Randy And Paul! And I'm gonna go down to Florida to attack Sandy to see how she likes it and then I'm gonna Murder her and I don't care that she's pregnant either! No wait I'm not even gonna attack her, I wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole because I don't know where she's been! I Don't wanna catch anything from her!" Dally seethes in a murderous rage. " I can tell you what happened from the time we found you to the moment you woke up in the hospital." I tell Taylor. Taylor nods and snuggles into Dally. Flashback: " Soda and I heard all the commotion from all the way at the DX. The DX isn't very far from your house or the lot so since it was a slow day at The DX, Sodapop And I decided to come check it out. Ponyboy and Johnny were walking to the lot to hang out when we saw The Socs. When they saw us they all ran back to their mustang after they finished attacking you and they quickly drove away. When we saw you unconscious and all beaten up and bleeding we wanted to go after those Socs that did this to you. Sodapop And Johnny quickly dropped to your side and Johnny looked about ready to cry. Ponyboy was swearing under his breath and Soda didn't even scold Ponyboy for swearing like he usually would. Sodapop picked you up into his arms and held you close to him. You were beaten even worse than Johnny was that one time. "Oh Baby Sister who did this to you?" Soda whispers. "Steve, call an ambulance." Ponyboy tells me. "No Ponyboy, we can get her to the hospital faster if we take Steve's car. Ambulances take to long to get here especially for a greaser and she's bleeding out so we better take Steve's car." Soda argues with Ponyboy. All 4 of us run to the DX To Get my car with Soda still carrying you in his arms. When we got to the DX Sandy was there waiting for Sodapop And she was not happy, she glaired at you once she saw you in Soda's arms and only I saw it. I flipped her off when Soda wasn't looking. "Sodapop Patrick Curtis! Where The Hell have you been!? I've been waiting for you forever!" Sandy snaps at Soda. "Yeah, keep talking bitch and see what happens." Ponyboy grumbles under his breath that no one but me heard his threat. I flashed Ponyboy a grin at that. Ponyboy and I may not like each other but we both hate Sandy and that's something we both have in common. Seriously how can Soda even stand the sound of her voice! It's so bitchy and whiny! " I'm sorry Sandy but it's pretty slow here today and we heard Taylor being jumped in the lot so we went to chase The Socs Away." Sodapop explains. Sandy looks at you with fake concern. " is she ok?" Sandy asked fake concerned for you. Sodapop couldn't tell it was fake but Johnny, Ponyboy And I Sure could And we all shot her an evil glaire. "She's bleeding very badly and she needs to go to the hospital right away." Sodapop tells her. Johnny comes out with a blanket he found and he and Soda wraps you in it. "She doesn't need to go to the hospital. I'm sure she'll be fine." Sandy said aloud to Soda. "Let the Little Sodapop stealer die, then you'll be all mine and you'll have so much more time for me instead of her." Sandy mutters under her breath. Ponyboy, Johnny And I all heard what she said but Soda didn't. We couldn't believe Sandy could be THAT heartless and that Soda was falling for her fake niceness! Ponyboy, Johnny And I all sent evil glaires over towards Sandy's way again. "Well if you insist, I'll come with you." Sandy said. None of us except for Sodapop really wanted the bitch to come with us. We got into my car and drove to the hospital with Sandy being annoying the whole time and acting clingy to Sodapop. We got to the hospital and Soda explains what happened and how we found you and a doctor takes you from him. Sandy was barking out orders acting like she was in charge and ordered Ponyboy to call Darry and the rest of the gang. Ponyboy started to argue with Sandy until Soda took Sandy's side as usual and told Ponyboy to just do it and not argue. Sandy sent Ponyboy such a smug look that he had to do what she said and that Sodapop sided with her that I wanted to smack that smug look right off her stupid little fake face. By the time Darry And the others got to the hospital, Dallas was cussing out every single Soc and vowing to get revenge on each and every one of them. The only one who didn't seem to be affected by the fact that you might die was Sandy. The doctor told us you lost alot of blood and your fate was unknown. You were in a coma and they weren't sure if you were ever gonna wake up. Your brothers and Johnny broke down crying and Sandy was fake comforting Sodapop. "It's not the end of the world if she dies, in fact I'd love it if she died." I heard Sandy mutter under her breath. I wanted to kill her right then and there. Dally punched a hole in the wall and stormed out of the hospital in such a rage that no one did anything to stop him. Over the next few months there was no change in your condition and you remained in a coma. Dallas was beating up every single Soc he could get his hands on and most of us, especially Johnny spent all the time we could at your bedside. When Soda wasn't working he was with Sandy because she forced him to spend time with her instead of being at the hospital visiting you. When Soda did come to the hospital, he dragged Sandy with him and they wouldn't stay very long because Sandy always complained that she wanted to leave and she didn't like it there so Soda would give into Sandy's requests to leave and they would leave. When Soda would be talking to the doctor or in the cafeteria getting food and when Sandy was alone with you, she would always try to pull the plug on your machine and smother you with a pillow but luckily Two-Bit, Johnny, Dallas, Ponyboy And I would always come in before she could and we'd stop her. We threatened to tell Sodapop And she told us we could go ahead and Sodapop won't believe us anyway and he'll believe her over us once she gives him some sob story about how we were mean to her and threatened her. On the day you woke up, Sodapop was out with Sandy but the rest of us were there. The doctor was trying to convince Darry to pull the plug. " Darrel I really think it's in your best interest to pull the plug. There's still no change in her condition and she's still in her coma." Dr. Carlisle Cullen told Darry. "No way Dr. Cullen, she's my baby sister and I'm not giving up on her. I promised my parents I would take good care of my siblings and that's exactly what I'm gonna do!" Darry exclaims firmly. "I'll give you 3 days to reach a decision." Dr. Cullen said Before leaving. We were all standing by your bedside when by some miracle you woke up. You never did tell us why The Socs beat and attacked you, now I know it's all because of that bitch Sandy." I explain. Flashback ends. "I saw mom and dad when I was in my coma and they told me they know All about Sandy and they can't stand her either. Mom said she knew Sandy was all fake. Dad joked that there's nothing real about Sandy. Mom and Dad told me they miss us all but their watching over us everyday. They told me I need to come back to you guys and that's when I woke up." Taylor admits to Dallas And me. "Tell Steve about the video." Dally urges Taylor. " What video?" I ask confused. "You Know How Sandy cheated on Soda and she got pregnant with the other guy's baby?" Taylor asked me. " yeah and then she broke Soda's heart, but what does that have to do with a video?" I asked confused. "The guy that Sandy cheated on Soda with was Randy Anderson the super Soc and Marcia's Older Sister Melissa's Boyfriend Ian Thomas likes to make movies and he caught Sandy and Randy cheating and he filmed it to show to me what Sandy was doing to Soda. Sandy told Randy she never really loved Soda and she just started dating him so no one else could." Taylor tells me. "That psychotic bitch!" I exclaimed. I still have the video Ian gave me if you two wanna see it." Taylor offers Dallas and me. " definitely!" I say. " we have to see this." Dally agreed. Taylor gets the DVD and puts it into her laptop. We all start watching the video. The video: Sandy And Randy Are in the middle of kissing. Randy is kissing Sandy. Sandy and Randy keep kissing until they both stop for air. They have no idea Ian is there and filming them. Sandy lays her head on Randy's chest panting. " that was amazing, but won't your boyfriend Pepsi get mad?" Randy questions Sandy. " it's Sodapop And he'll never know. He's too in love with me and too busy doing my bidding to know I'm just using him and I never really loved him." Sandy admits to Randy. " Sodapop's Movie Star Handsome And has girls all over him, I thought you would be one of those girls. You are dating him." Randy says to Sandy. " between you and me, I only started dating him so no one else can have him and so he'd pay attention only to me but not his family and friends. I'm the only person who should be really important in his life and I should come before anyone else." Sandy replies bitchily. Randy laughs before kissing Sandy again and they leave . Video ends. "That Cheater! That Bitch!" I seethe. " I say next we go to Florida and Kill Sandy! I don't care that she's pregnant either, we'll kill her! If that baby comes out of her before then, how dumb do you think that baby would be!" Dally exclaims. "EXTREMELY DUMB concidering who it's parents are." I comment. "Soda can't know about this." Taylor said stressing out. "We won't tell Sodapop, but you need to tell Darry about Sandy." I tell Taylor. "Maybe, I still don't know yet. And I don't know about killing Sandy, I'll have to think on that and get back to you." Taylor responds. " you already threatened her, do you think she'll listen?" Dally asked Taylor. "Idk, I hope so." Taylor replies. At my confused look Taylor explains everything. "After Sandy broke up with Soda and moved to Florida is when Ian gave me this video. As soon as I saw it I was furious and I took a flight down to Florida without my brothers knowing and I brought the video to show Sandy. I showed Sandy the video and she said she wasn't proud of that. I told her I so don't care and I blackmailed and threatened her and told her if she ever came back to Tulsa or tried to contact Sodapop, I'll bury her." Taylor explains to me.

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