Chapter 3

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Planning ensues from here, the Foresters and the Hunters become one, the Knights. They grow in popularity, their name spreads throughout the kingdom, especially that of the two leaders, Gwen and Tate. They become widely known and their good deeds are quickly shared. They steal from the rich and distribute their stealings to the poor. They fight the queen's army in her many attempts to steal more from the people using taxes as an excuse. They help all people and they are soon considered heroes.

Word of the Knights reaches the palace and Madeline's ears, at first, she ignores the news thinking that the Knights will eventually lose to her army, but as they continue to grow she becomes warier. Once she discovers the names of the leaders she is filled with surprise which quickly turns to anger. Madeline begins to harden her heart, she is set on keeping her kingdom and will never let it fall in the hands of a girl, especially one who has always tried to defy her. She sends more of her soldiers out, she banns the Knights' names from being spoken, she increases taxes again. She begins to take caution whenever she goes out of the castle. A fear and a desire begin to grow inside of her, ones that cannot be quenched.

Lexis has grown now, she is a beautiful 13-year-old who spends her time reading in the palace library and learning archery. Her mother has kept her hidden from the public all these years never allowing her to interact with those outside the palace. But Lexis is not the most obedient girl, and whenever she can she persuades her maid to let her sneak out of the palace to the town. She hates being locked up in the castle preferring the bright colors and amazing smells that were only found in town.

Her memories of Gwen still seared into her mind, she has never stopped hoping that she would someday see Gwen again. Madeline knew Lexis' wishes to see her sister, and so she kept the news of her a secret. She would not allow Gwen to take her daughter from her.

To make sure that this would not happen she meets with her general and other nobles to plan a trap to capture Gwen. It is a simple one truly, Madeline let it be known that she, along with a large party, would be heading to her country palace, although, in fact it will be a heavily armed party. Instead of nobles in the carriages, the most deadly assassins and bounty hunters were in the carriages.

Gwen and Tate heard the news and they quickly began to plan an ambush, not knowing that it was a trap.

On the day, the carriages set out of the castle and headed into the forest. Gwen and Tate along with other Knights members follow the carriages well into the forest, and when Gwen sees that they are far enough into the forest she gives the signal and moves into action. From the trees and bushes, dozens of the Knights appear and begin their attack. Once the doors of the carriages fly open and out come all the bounty hunters and assassins Gwen realizes that it is a trap. She calls to her people to fall back and retreat. She looks all around for Tate making sure that he is retreating but she finds him struggling with one of the assassins with swords in both of his hands. She rushes to his side and helps him fight the assassins off only to be replaced with tons of other people all who seem to be aiming for her.

"It's a trap!" Gwen yells at Tate as she defends her self. "I can see that!" Tate responds busy with his own battle. The two begin to struggle as more people appear.

"We can't hold them off for long!" Tate shouts his strength to diminish. Gwen agrees and the two begin to slowly head to the forest, fighting through the mob as hard as they can. Once they are close to the trees Tate breaks away but quickly turns around to make sure Gwen is with him. Gwen looks at him, as she struggles to keep fighting, and then she mouths Go, I'll be fine, come find me soon then she turns away and charges into the mob. Tate stands frozen in place but hidden from the battle and although he detests himself for it, he turns and heads into the forest trusting that Gwen will truly be alright.

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