The Proposal

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Time flies...Its been two weeks now. Nothing change much. Graduation day ended one hour ago and Hani is finding her prom dress now because as what Baekhyun claimed, its more exciting looking for prom dress a few hours before prom night itself! 

Back to Hani

She is dragged by her boyfriend and her boyfriend's friends who are supposed to be bad boys that likes  loves shopping. Hani is now in a dress shop with Sehun, Kris and Tao to help her choose the perfect dress. Why only the three of them? Because most of them don't think they can choose a dress for a girl perfectly. D.O offered himself to help Hani choose her dress but all of them said no because they said, among all of them, D.O's fashion sense is the most dangerous. Kai and Sehun made a statement: "If D.O hyung follow you, you might be wearing all black tonight and its not even anybody's funeral." 

Hani is oblivious to what they are saying but when she saw the look in Luhan and Kris's eyes when she want to pick D.O, she step back and only smile apologetically to D.O. D.O huffs and follow the rest of the boys to help Baekhyun choose his suit. D.O is sulking. Sulking.

Hani felt bad for D.O but maybe her choice is the best choice. They picked the ones with a good fashion sense to follow Hani and help her choose the perfect dress for the prom.

"Hani! Wear this one!" Tao said excitedly. 

"And wear this one after!" followed by Kris

"And this!" and Sehun.

"Oh God, they are worst than women!" Hani mutter under her breath. She tried various dresses. Hani look pretty in every single one of them but they still haven't find the most perfect that suit her the most. 

After she tried hundreds of dresses, she think she found the right one. She is wearing an elegant white dress with laces and little flowers on it. She walk out of the fitting room.

"Guys, I'm done" Hani said. And with that, the boys turn their head only to face an angel. Sehun, Kris and Tao only manage to widen their eyes and gapes at the sight. 

"How do I look?" Hani ask them since all of them look ...???

"Uhh you look pretty. This dress is totally my style. Buy this one!" Kris said. Sehun nods while Tao just show her thumbs up. 

"This is the one" Hani said to herself.


"Guys, help me choose a decent one please. D.O please stop sulking in the corner. Yeol and Chen please don't try to put any little cameras or what in my fitting room, Xiumin hyung and Luhan hyung, please stop drinking the almost finished bubble tea. Kai please stop trying to pinch D.O's cheeks because I don't want to find you stabbed with a knife in your sleep tonight." Baekhyun said and sigh. Kai jutted his lower lips in return.

"Okay Baek, its time to look a perfect suit for you. Kris texted me that your little princess chose a white dress." Luhan said. 

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