It's not an easy life for those of us who have experienced torment. Who've seen such pain, that life doesn't seem to hold any value. Days get longer and longer as we ache and hope for the day this wretched life was expired. The sun becomes unbearable as we do not want to be seen, human contact becomes such an annoyance, an agony and anonymity has become us and we want to vanish without a trace. Sometimes we are weak and feel as though the weight is too much. Although, after a while the weight has built us to be impenetrable. Everyday might be a battle, however we are armed with an arsenal of perseverance. The struggles of everyday life seem to fade at times as we gaze at the hourglass, sand seeping at a rapid pace. At that moment, the last thing we were to concern ourselves with would be the opinion of an insignificant other and the everlasting wrath of life. For a split the second, the sun seems to warm our hearts, the beauty is visible and sparks a brief flicker of bliss. In that brief moment, the weight is lifted, the hourglass comes to a halt and we are immortal.