Twist Of Love (Lindsay Pearce and Damian McGinty Fan Fiction)

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The cool Autumn breeze slipped through my window and under my nose. I took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of dried leaves and pumpkins. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up, yawning. I looked at the clock, it read 7:15am.

"Shit!" I exclaimed as I jumped out of bed, "I'm late!"

I quickly got changed into faded blue jeans and a plain white t-shit, threw my silky black hair into a messy bun, did my makeup, grabbed my bag, and ran into the kitchen. Luckily my older brother, Noah, was home.


He jumped a little, "What?!"

"Please! I need a ride to school!"

He let out an irritated sigh, "Fine, let's go!"

I ran to the car and Noah followed behind me. I got in the passenger side, not even worried about the seat belt. Noah got in and started the car.

"You're a real pain in my ass!"

"Yeah yeah, just drive!"

He stepped on the gas and off we went, on our way to William McKinley High School. As soon as we got there, I sprinted from the car to the school. Of course, I was an hour and a half late and was sent to the principal's office.

"Please Miss.Puckerman, take a seat." demanded Mr.Figgins

I rolled my eyes and sat down.

He handed me a pink detention slip. I got wide eyed and stood up.


"Language Miss.Puckerman! This is the 5th time you've been late Miss.Puckerman. You need to come on time."


I crumbled the slip and shoved it into my pocket. I stormed out of the office and, not paying attention, accidentally ran into someone and their books fell everywhere. He bent down to pick them up.

I sighed, "I'm so sorry"

"Hey! Watch wh-..." He stopped, looked up, half smiled, and continued, "What I meant to say was, it's okay."

I bent down to help him. He has the most amazing Irish accent, a beautiful smile, glistening blue eyes, smooth Caucasian skin, and somewhat curly brown hair. I kept staring at him.

He laughed a little, "Yes?"

I blinked a few times, snapping back to reality, "Oh my god, I'm sorry..." I blushed from embarrassment.

He collected his books and stood up, "It's fine."

I smiled and stood up, "Hi, I'm Adeline"

"Nice to meet you, I'm..." he looked at his watch, "I'm late for class. Be my lunch buddy?"

I chuckled, "Sure, I'd love that"

"Great, I can't wait!" he smiled and walked away.

My stomach fluttered with butterflies, a smile grew on my face, and my cheeks were as red as roses. Then I heard the bell... I was late for 3rd period...

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