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Its been rough on me these last few days I've been out of my mind lately not knowing what to do or where to turn. My dad aint doing to good so I decided to call Cara and have a talk with her and see what she knows about whats going on. When I call Cara I dont get an answer so I send her a text amd no reply. Bizz bizz bizz I pick up my phone to see a number thats not saved in my phone, I instantly get worried and scared. The first thing I think is read the message but heart tells me not only because its a number I dont know. My dad has been living with me for the past four days when he got the hospital, im his care taker and evry since he has been in my home Melani haven't called or came by once or anything
. But it's ok because my father is well taking care of and I know my father is gonna make it well past three weeks of living with cancer he has been here all these years. Knock knock, Lord who in the world could this be this time of morning its only eight thirty in the morning. I go and open the door and to my suprise I thought it was a dream when I seen who was standing before my eyes. "Cara what are you doing here?" I aske her looking mad and upset. Im here make things right between the two of us and to see how Mr. Ronie doing. Come in and we will talk and see what we can to about everthing that happen between us Cara.

Tina: I have so many questions I need answers to
Cara: I understand that but first let me start by saying that im truly sorry about everything that has happen it was truly wrong for me to do that to you Tina you were my nest friend and I just thought that you and Monte/Donte wouldnt have made as far as you guys did
Tina: Yes you was extremely wrong for what you did I would have perferred you found me someone that you didnt have sex with and kissed because I have been belittling myself every since I found out the truth
Cara: You dont have to belittle your self you didnt do nothing wrong you didnt know what was going on we set you up and it was wrong im sorry Tina I really am
Tina: well I have forgiving you guys but I will never forget how you guys betrayed and lied to me I dont know if Ill ever be able to trust you again
Cara: I understand to the fullest theres something else I need to apologise for also
Tina: The facebook post yeah I know because I have never done anything to you but be good to you and be a great best friend/sister to you
Cara: Youre absolutly right you was a great best friend /sister to me and thats why it killed me to do it to you and when I found that you had found out about it and you Donte didnt talk anymor I left him alone and lost everything I owned I got strung out on drugs and everyhting I was even being a prositute trying to get myslef together but that didnt work I was being beat and everything but im nit here for sympathy or anything in that nature im here to ask for forgiveness and to check on Mr.Ronie
Tina: well as far as dad he is doing good for now he is in the room resting before I give him a bath and stuff
Cara: Wait you said dad Tina
Tina: Yeah I did only because your my blood sister you cant tell me you didnt know you was my

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