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Roars and howls echo through the land with the smashing of buildings and houses, the old city bathing in the inferno of destruction. On one side, massive muscular monsters, their skin inky black with large horns adorning their heads. They run on their knuckles, similar to massive gorillas. On the other side, Dragons of every species, Wyverns, Drakes, Western and Eastern all fighting together against the black beasts. In the center of the carnage stand two massive rivals, dwarfing all around them as they lock in combat. Massive swords clash as sounds of metal echo through the battle. One sword bathed in a crimson glow, the other black as night. "It ends here Baal" one growls, black sword in his bony hands. "My greatest ally...betraying me for the Dragons!?" the other roars, more built than his opponent, red blade to his arm. "You will pay dearly for this Kromanius!" he roars again, charging forward with teeth bared and horns forward. The other dodges elegantly, holding his black sword at bay. "Don't make me do this Baal" as he stands his ground. The larger huffs in rage, swinging forward his massive red blade. The smaller parries it, stabbing his opponent's sword into the ground and pulling it away. "Now!" The smaller calls, the larger taken aback in shock.

Two eyes open,

One final cry,

White light consumes the chaos,

It ends in silence.

Roars and howls echo. Massive battles flash and fade. A glass castle flashes with two circling cranes adorning the entrance, one black one white. A flame inside a monster-like skull. Two eyes appear, big and round, blue and violet swirl inside like a deep-space nebula. One final eye opens inside a gem, red and gold. Alice jumps awake, breathing heavily and sweating, her black hair a mess. She looks around her room in a panic, slowing her breathing as she realizes her nightmare. She takes deep breaths, trying to distract herself with her room, but one thing lulls her. On her nightstand under her lamp is a rhombus-shaped gem, almost crystal clear on its stand, a black sphere in its very center. Something about it calms Alice, so she sighs in relief, smiling slightly as she pulls off her covers and gets out of bed. She takes a big stretch once on her feet, extending her arms to the sky and starting her day.

Looking at her clock that hangs from the wall, she growls in annoyance. School. Alice quickly changes and grabs her bag, but before she's able to walk out the door of her room, she looks back at her bed, recalling her bizarre dream. "Did that really happen?" as she wonders, 'the hell was up with that?', but she shrugs excusing it as bad cheese she had the other night. How could something like that be real anyway? Pfft.

Why did it seem so real though?

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