Rescue At My Dreams

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Flare and Ajax had been walking for miles, leaving the valley of destruction, and entering the forest. It's not long before they rest, settling in the forest at sunset. Ajax's steps crush sticks and logs underfoot, their presence is well known to the wildlife. Flare following behind gleefully, viewing the forest as beauty. Tall Red Pines stand around them, pointing to the sky in majesty.

Ajax looks off into the horizon, the golden sun setting over tall mountains, coloring the forest an orange light. "Hm, we should make camp soon, it's getting late," Ajax rumbles. "Should we stop here?" Flare inquiries, slowing her pace. Ajax leans over, picking up a number of stones in one grasp, "Sure, here's good," he agrees with a friendly smile. He sits down, with one hand he sends a heavy punch into the dirt, creating a small crater in the soil, using the other to circle it with the stones. Ajax looks back to Flare "Mind grabbing some kindling?"

The two soon settle, once again sitting on either side of the fire. Flare looks to Alice with a questioning look "How do you do that?" she asks. "Do what?" Ajax responds, opening his eyes to her. "Breath fire" Flare looks to the flame curiously. Ajax starts to chuckle, soon growing to a hearty laugh. "Well, I mean... I'm a Dragon, I thought that was kinda obvious" he smiles, almost proudly showing off his red scales and horns. Flare tilts her head in confusion "You don't look too much like a dragon, where're your wings?" she questions. Usually, Ajax would be somewhat offended, but she's just a child, so he humors her.

"Well I'm a Drake, we're not really born with wings, but since I'm a Vearos, my kind was given four arms instead," he says, looking down to his two sets of arms proudly. Flare scoots forward, her big eyes scanning him in fascination, "Well what happened to you guys? How come I haven't heard of Veros?" she questions further. Ajax's eyes deepen as if revisiting bad memories, his common smile vanishing. "Ajax?" Flare asks, concerned, "Did... I say something wrong?". Ajax's expression snaps back to reality, "Uh, no... no, it's ok, you should probably know this." Ajax says, almost in grief.

"And its 'Vearos'" he chuckles, bringing a lighter smile to Flare. The Dragon sighs, "I'm a Vearosian... the last Vearosian." he starts, his eyes deepening once again. "Many years ago, my kind... well more than my kind, Dragons were killed off, mine by one monster, Kromanius Croesus" his eyes start to burn in anger. "He gave the order to wipe us out... murdering my father... destroying our city and... leaving me to suffer" Ajax sits up, staring at the fire in sorrow, a quiet moment lingering. "Well... I probably shouldn't say much now, Doc can probably explain better." Ajax lays down, turning from Flare. Flare looks to Ajax in dejection, "I'm sorry Ajax," she tells him, Ajax sighs, "You don't need to be." Flare lays down as well, looking to Ajax with a pang of guilt for bringing up the obviously sensitive subject. She wraps her tentacles around herself, making a mini cocoon-sleeping bag. With the warmth of her cocoon and the glow of the fire, she shuts her large eyes and falls to sleep.

Flare hears a rustle, slowly opening her eyes to the new dawn. Out of the corner of her eyes, a tail slinks into the brush. She sits up, stretching out her arms and tentacles for a big yawn, looking around groggy. Once she wakes up more, her vision clears to see the morning sunshine glowing through the trees and vegetation around them that were once hidden by the night. Ajax still lays asleep, face up with his jaw hanging open, showing his many sharp teeth, his snores deep and rumbling.

The smolder of the campfire lays dead, almost crunched. Looking closer, Flare can almost make out a massive paw print, the talons massive. Flare looks to Ajax's hands curiously. The prints don't match, Ajax's claws are huge sure, but the print's are even bigger. Flare stands to go wake Ajax, but her foot almost steps into a crater. Looking to the floor, Flare can see the footprints all around her resting spot, scaping in the dirt around her, as if something was watching her. Flare's heart starts to pound, rushing to Ajax in fear.

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