Enormous Chapters 2 and 3

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CARLYISM: There's always more going on than what you can see.

The rest of the night went pretty well. Most of the seniors hugged each other and made vows to stay in touch. Some of those vows meant something. Others did not. Although, Richard made a comment to Chewbacca, while they stood on the side watching people dance, that it would be pretty impossible not to stay in touch, since pretty much every kid in their class requested each other on Facebook before (or instead of) actually becoming friends in real life.

They watched as Destiny Allen danced with her boyfriend, making artfully sure that her boobs and crotch swished against him at all times. Patrick Hitchins snuck fifteen tiny bottles of gas station whiskey into the guys' locker room, and everyone got the memo to sneak in only five at a time to pour some into their soda cups, and everyone pretended to like it.

Madelyn wanted to stay longer than Sam did to take pictures with her girlfriends. So, Sam ducked out with Richard and Chewbacca, who were both ready to go home. Chewbacca drove them back to Sam's house where Richard's car was parked. Sam and Carly had always lived about four blocks away from the high school. They still lived in the same house that their mom had left. They would walk home from their prospective organizations, Sam from band (that was the extent of Sam's extracurriculars). Carly tried a lot of things before just deciding to just be in drama club. She did dance team, cross country, and scholastic bowl, but she quit these activities one by one.

While Richard and Chewbacca talked, Sam kept his head glued against the window in the backseat. He couldn't stop thinking about "Skylight." He never felt so disappointed after a concert. In fact, he was never disappointed at all after concerts. He had been happy before.

They pulled into his driveway, and Chewbacca and Richard looked back at him to bid him a good night. Just then, Sam noticed something small and red in the driveway. "Carly!"

He jumped out of the car and ran toward the red motor scooter. She wasn't supposed to be home this soon. She told him that she wouldn't be able to make it home in time for his graduation when they talked on the phone this week.

He heard car doors slamming behind him. He turned to see Chewbacca and Richard running after him, Richard carrying both guitar cases. Chewbacca puckered his lips at him. "Sammy wuvs his sissy..."

Sam rolled his eyes in response, because he was pretending not to be embarrassed. The three of them walked the rest of the way to the door like normal people, Chewbacca snickering to himself the whole way. "You know, you guys can go home." Sam reminded them teasingly.

Chewbacca started to say something, but Richard quickly clapped his arm around Chewbacca's body. "He wants to see her too." Richard murmured.

"Ow!" Chewbacca responded, jerking Richard's arm off.

The second Sam unlatched the front door, Sam heard her voice. "Sammy?"

"Hey!" He flipped on both lights by the door. The front light revealed the dent Mr. Kowalski had made in the door when he broke it down sixteen years ago.

Carly darted down the stairs, her light brown hair falling around his shoulders as she hugged him tightly.

"What are you doing here?! How are you--?" he started, hugging her around the corduroy jacket she had on.

"You guys were amazing tonight," she interrupted as she let him go.

"You were there?"

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