(ch1) New Girl

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February 23, 2020

Cara was at her group therapy, and it was almost time to leave. She was originally just taking individual therapy, but her mother thought meeting others would help her. Her mother was correct; the girls in the group helped Cara have a better attitude.

"Girls we have a new girl joining us tomorrow. Shes been through some stuff very recently, so please be very nice and gentle with her." Ms. Lindsy told them before they left for the day.

They all agreed to be nice to the new girl. They all then left and went home.

2 days later:

Cara had just arrived at group therapy, and she was sitting on a bean bag in the corner. She was curious what this new girl was like.

She was coloring when she noticed some of the girls had started to walk to the circle table. She got up and followed as the rest gathered at the table. She didnt know what was going on,

Was it the new girl?

She tried to see, but she was short and people were blocking the view in front of her. She gave up and just listened to what Ms. Lindsy was saying.

(1st person)

"Girls this is Abi. I want yall to introduce yourself, so everyone sit down somewhere youd like and we'll start." She said while shoowing us to go sit down.

Since everyone moved I could see what Abi looked like, and I couldnt believe it. I knew this girl, she used to be my best friend and crush.

Why was she here?! I never expected to see her here of all places.

Once we were all sitting down somewhere, Ms. Lindsy sat next to Abi, she would point to one girl and they would say their name and then give on fact about themselves.

It was my turn first.

"I'm Cara, and I love drawing" I said as I looked at Abi. I wanted to know what she thought of being in the same group as me, but her expression gave nothing away.

Alice, Kira, Jade, Peri, Pidge, Lola, Eloise, and Erin all introduced themselves to Abi, and after that we did a drawing activity.

"Draw what your family is like" Ms. Lindsy told us, and we did.

I drew my mom, dad, brother and me. I looked around. Abi was sitting in a corner near me, but I couldnt see what she was drawing.

"Ok, now let's share, and if you dont want to you dont have to."

I shared mine first. I was proud of my drawing and wanted to show it off a bit. Then something I didn't expect happened.

"I'd like to go next" I looked at who spoke and it was Abi. It sounded like she never even spoke before. Her voice was raspy and as quiet as a whisper.

What happened? I never remember her voice being like that. Sure it's been two years since we've talked, but it was never like that!

"Ok, Abi, go ahead" Ms. Lindsy said.

Abi's picture had her in the middle and her dad and grandma on her right, whoe her sister and mom were on the left.

"Do you mind if I ask why you're in the middle?" Kira asked abi with a gentle tone.

"Oh, my dad and mom got a divorce when I was about six." She casually responded.

If I'm remembering right, I think she told me a lot of people in her close family had divorced before, I think three people? I cant remember correctly...



Everyone was getting ready to leave, but I wanted to talk to Abi. I was curious to why she was here. I found her by the front door, I guess she was waiting for someone.

"Abi, why are you here?"

"Same as you, to get therapy.."

"No, I mean what's your reason for therapy?"

"Why should I tell you?" She said it with a hint of sharpness in her voice.

Is she seriously still mad at me for what I said in 9th grade?!

"I'm just curious" I said defensively.

She sighed "I was tired of being left by friends, loves, and family. I was tired of a lot of things." She said as she walked away to a car.

She was tired? What does that mean?

[723 words]

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