My Sophia Garcia I have an abusive boyfriend he beats me every day mostly I am gonna start a new high school I am in my senior year and my mom and dad died in a plane accident I was the only survivor.
Micheal Luciano I am know has the schools bad bu...
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Sophia Pov: how she looks like
When we got there i was kinda happy i think he got that house for we can seem like a happy couple but we are not once we got inside he threw me on the floor punched me in the stomach kicked me i wined in pain i was pretty weak since i barely eat he cut me i had to ware concealer mostly everyday i got up went to go clean myself up and went to sleep i woke up the next day it was my first day of school and i got ready i wore i have mostly ugly shirts i wore a white sweatshirt since he cut me yesterday with black jeans and black and white vans i did his breakfast cause if not i get a beaten i got ready waited for Jason he came out we went to school and got our schedule i only had him for two classes which i was kinda relived to not have to handle him i was walking to history when i bumped into a ''wall'' i fell I stood up he was so tall I was like 5,0 he was like 6,3 he told me "WATCH OUT" I stood back and look at walked away I was walking he was cute oh no I can't Jason will kill me he had ocean blue eyes to fall for cute hair omg god
Micheal POV:
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I was walking when I bumped into a girl she fell she was kinda cute what no I can't fall for her I am dangerous I yelled "WATCH OUT" she seemed a little scared I felt bad what no I can't ughhh she walked away I went to my class which was history I was like 10 minutes late the teachers don't say anything anymore I saw that same cute girl wait did I just call her cute oh boy I sat next to her since it was the only seat open she was cute brown eyes light brown hair kind of under weight she was so small compared to me it was cute I said hi she said hi back