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I am changing things about ghouls don’t judge me 

Jack: E-Eto why me?

I ask

Eto: well I don’t know why but for some reason female ghouls every three months go into a state where there sexual desires take control usually we desire a ghoul but for some reason all the female ghouls want you

I gulp at that and Eto just giggles at my reaction

Jack: so are you going to keep me here forever?

Eto: maybe do you not like me?

Jack: E-Eto no it’s not that it’s just

Eto giggles at me and my reaction as she whispers in my ear 

Eto: your blushing like a tomato 

I tense at that and try to bury my face in the pillow my heads resting on but I feel Eto’s small and gentle hand grab my chin

Eto: don’t hide your blush it’s cute

I smile at that wait am I in love with her? No! she’s a ghoul and my kidnapper but…this feeling what is it?

Eto: Jack?

Eto calls to me snapping me from my thoughts 

Jack: hmm? 

Eto: your staring

She says and my face turns to embarrassment as she giggles

Eto: got something to say to me and Nora?

Jack:…i-I’m sorry 

I say as Nora walks in

Jack: I’m sorry Nora no disrespect to your cooking

I say and Nora reaches to her mask taking it off and I see her face ebony purple eyes and ebony black hair and black lipstick she smiles at me

Nora: it’s fine

She says happily as she puts her mask on and I’m left with a shocked face 

Eto: Jack?

I turn to Eto

Jack: yeah?

Eto: we’re not the only two ghouls here

I give a worried look

Eto: hey don’t worry they won’t hurt you

I just nod 

Jack: h-how many of you are there?

Eto: me, Nora, Tatara, Ayata

Jack: wh-where are they?

Eto: outside in their rooms Tatara was asking about you I could of sworn I saw her blushing at the mention of you 

I give a puzzled look as I sit up 

Jack: N-Nora I’m getting hungry

Nora makes a noise that sounds like a giggle as she walks out and I turn to Eto

Jack: you got a TV?

Eto: no we have books 

Jack: o-oh can I r-read one?

Eto smiles at that walking out and walking back in a minute later with a book

Eto: you read books much?

I shake my head

Eto: well this is one of my favourite 


Kate: hurry!

Kate yells as we run to where Jack said he was and when we get there I immediately see his sword laying on the ground I run over and pick it up as Kate picks up it’s guitar case

Kate: she got him…

She says bursting into tears and I walk over to hug her 

Mehile: we’ll get him back

I say serious as Jason and Jade look to the ground with grim faces

Jason: I say we kill Eto when we get her and turn her into a Qinque for Jack 

Kate: definitely

Kate says coldly as we all walk to the 5th ward station to report 



Jack: that was…good although the scene where that guy got his guts torn out almost made me vomit

Eto giggles as there’s a knock

Jack: who?

Eto: Tatara and Ayata probably

Jack: don’t let them take me away I still need to eat

I say as Nora walks in with a plate

Eto: perfect you can eat while I answer the door

Eto says walking out as I look at the meal and see it’s chicken and mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy I dig in as I hear footsteps

Ayata: so, this is him?

The voice I can only assume is Ayata says

Jack: Ayata?

Ayata: yeah

I give a warm smile as she looks at my bandages

Ayata: what’s with the bandages? 

She looks at Eto

Ayata: did you bite him!? 

Eto: it was punishment for trying to kill himself

Eto says and fear shoots through me as Ayata looks at me and I race to the bed getting under it as I hear Ayata take a step but then stopped by Tatara  

Tatara: enough Eto already dealt him a punishment if you want him then don’t make him fear you

Tatara says and I still remain clinging to the bed

Tatara: Jack? Can you come out?

Tatara says and I hear her footsteps coming not wanting to be pulled out I peek out a little to see Tatara standing there waiting for me I reach out for her and she takes my hand pulling me out as she hugs me from behind

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