After I escaped from my house I ran directly to my bff's.When I was running suddenly I started to run too fast I could't stop.I was running with the speed of light and I cant stop.But when I tried harder I stopped.But I was in New York.I didn't know where to go even where I am.I started to ask people and they told me how to get back to Los Angeles.I bought a map and the only thing that left me to do is how to use my new power to get home before someone find out that acctualy I am not in bed.I was trying but nothing happend.I was starting to run fast and then faster but nothing,I couldn't run again with the speed of light.Then I suddenly started again to run.While I was running somehow I new where I am.And after 7 sec I was in front of Johnatan's house.I climed to his window and cnocked.But nothing.Nobody answers.Then I cnocked again and finally I someone opened the window.It was John.(I'm gonna call him John because it's more easy)He was so tired that he almost fell down.I started to tell him all about my little adventure but this time I thought that he believed me.Then the only thing that he said was:
'Why your here at this time.It's 3 o'clock in the morning'.And then he closed his eyes and slept at the moment.And then I jumpped from the window (thank God he was on the first floor) and then I went back home.