Chapter one

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Lexi's pov
BEeP.. bEeP.. bEeP
I roll out of bed in response to the loud sound filling my ear drums, accidentally hitting my head off the floor. I look above me and eye my closet on what to wear. Once getting to my feet, I decide. I dress myself in a cute grey velvet cropped top with black ripped jeans. Whilst undoing my hair out of french braids, my loud younger sister Mae, bursts through the door. 
"Lexi, I need your straighteners"
I didn't take my eyes of the light brown hair I continued to undo.
"Do you have manners? Because I'm pretty sure Mom and Dad grew you up with them. Also, learn how to knock would you?" I shoot back at the eleven year old standing in-front of my, now-closed door. I immediately scan her outfit, holding in my tight giggles at the funny suit.
"And so who do you think you are? Little miss Cher" I match her outfit to the girl in my mind who fell in love with her step brother: clueless was the name of the film, I guess that well and truly does explains me..
"Lexi!" she waves her hands in my face.
"What? Bitch" I chuckle at the sound of her gasps and grab my detangeler from my drawer.
"Your straighteners?" the annoying child asks once again. I look over to her with a glare, my eyebrows raised. "Please," she sighs and I nod.
"In my bag, over there" I point to the back of the bedroom and she follows my fingers. I then get back to my hair. It looks wavy and crimped, I love it like this.
After adding a camouflaged jacket to my outfit, I head downstairs and grab some breakfast.
"Good morning mom," I sweetly smile at her whilst eating my cereal. She says nothing, just smiles softly. Something isn't right here.
"What's with you?" I am immediate to ask.
"Nothing, nothing at all," she smiles brightly and I believe I had mixed signals. She looks fine.
"Oh okay then. Well I'm gonna head to school," I lightly add. She nods and waves to me.
"Have a good day" I think I hear her mumble as I grab my backpack and throw it over my shoulder. I head out the door and up the road to school, there's no way I'm waiting for Mae. She will probably burn her hair then accuse my straightens of having super glue on. I'd rather not be there when she makes the accusation.
When I finally arrive at school, I sigh. I don't know if it's relief that we break up on Friday, or if it's relief that I will finally get a break when we head up to Cali the day afterwards. Maybe both? Let's go with it. Pushing past the most weirdest humans in the school hallway, I finally arrive at first period. My eyes meet with the dirty blonde hair i know is Maddie's. Me and Maddie have been bestfriends since the beginning of the year, she's cool and all but has her own set of friends I would rather not associate with. They're the type to: make the dirtiest jokes about sex, talk about the strangest things, make bets, smoke pot and make out in front of eachother. Not my type of crowd... But I love Maddie and I really do try to get along with her friends when it's worth it. Though there is a girl I just cannot stand out of all the crazy bunch, Harley. Harley is probably the most selfish, sluttiest girl I have ever seen and I couldn't describe her in any other words.  She's drop dead beautiful, and if she wasn't busy being such a hoe, she could be making thousands for her beauty and her body. But instead, she sees more fun giving her man 'friends' lap dances and make outs. I run to my seat next to Maddie's and smile.
"Hey," I softly add.
"Hey Lexi, this is the perfect time to talk to you" shivers fill my body, oh no. Ugh. What now?
"Oh yeah? Why? What's wrong?" I question. Not even sure if I meant it or wanted an answer.
"The road trip on Saturday? Joey, Jace, Harley and Dylan said they are gonna come with us there. It will be awesome"
"Harley? Joey?.." I bite my lip, forcing myself not to start firing shit at her right now about how much all 3 of them hate my guts and are rude as fuck. This isn't only about me, she needs this too. She needs this too. I tell myself, over and over and over.
"Well yeah, I thought it would be good for you to get to know eachother. You don't really hang around with my friends"
'Yeah, no shit.'
My conscience rudely remarks. I feel like hitting myself but I would look so dumb.
"Yeah, sure. That's fine I guess. Tell Jace not to be an ass though. He's the only nice one out of the annoying bunch" I reply
Atleast I told half the truth. Jace really is the nicest and is actually super funny. But I swear, if Harley just hops on their dicks around the campfire, I'll be outta there.
"Really? You're sure though?"
Honestly? No. Absolutely not.
"Yeah, of course. I'm sure I will be doing my own thing once we get there anyways. You know? Exploring and stuff?"
"Joey said that's all he's going to do too, maybe you guys could go together or something" she says while wrapping her finger around a loop of blonde hair next to her chin.
Thanks mads, but I would honestly rather not
"Maybe.." I shrug. I am glad when I see her nod and begin writing in her textbook. The corners of her mouth tugging widely, she's smiling. Thank the lord, she's smiling.


[Here is Chapter 1, I am aware it's pretty plain but the story gets better and I just want to introduce you and help you get to know all the characters and how they are before they go on the road trip because it is very different to afterwards. Also, this is quite short compared to the length of the other chapters so I do apologise. I promise you it will get more interesting so please keep reading and please vote. I love you all!]

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