The Pocky Game

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A/N: Harro~! Injiru-chan here! ^w^

This is my first Pokemon fanfic.

Here are the pairings that are hinted (or obviously shown www) in this one-shot:

-IsshuShipping (mah OTP <3) (N x Touya)

-FerriswheelShipping (N x Touko)

-ChessShipping (Touya x Touko)

-CheckmateShipping (Cheren x Touko)

-DualrivalShipping (Cheren x Bianca)

If you don't like BL, then please skip the N x Touya part XD. Don't worry, all else is hetero-shipping.

BTW, please forgive me for any spelling or grammar mistakes. ;;

One more note: I don't own the cover picture, but I edited it. The artist is itariadoitsu from Pixiv.

Other than that, I have nothing more to say but to please enjoy reading this crappy(?) one-shot of mine! XD


"I'm back~!" a girl with wavy chestnut-colored hair tied into a high ponytail wearing a pink and white hat with a Pokeball design said cheerily as she slammed the door open to a room.

"Welcome back, Touko-chan!" a girl with short blonde hair wearing a big green hat said as she turned to the said girl from the TV.

Sitting with her on the sofa was a boy with black hair who wore glasses with red frames who also greeted her back; while another boy with short chestnut hair wearing a hat with the same design as Touko's but colored red and white, just grunted as he read manga while lying on the floor.

Another boy, with long and messy green hair tied into a low ponytail, came into the scene as he also greeted Touko back and sat on the big sofa along with the others.

Touko closed the door behind her and walked over to the sofa where the boy with glasses, Cheren; the blondie, Bianca; and the green-haired guy, N, were sitting in. "Hey, hey, wanna play a game~?" she asked enthusiastically.

Touya, the boy with chestnut hair lying on the floor, looked up to Touko with a scrunched-up face. "What are you planning to do this time?" he growled, remembering that time when Touko came up with a random game where they, along with their water-type Pokemon, would play "Water Gun", a game where they would hit each other with Water Gun using a Pokemon who knew the attack and if one fails to hit someone even one time, they would become the house maid/butler for a day. It was stupid, but nobody wanted to wash the dishes so everyone - including Cheren and N, joined. The aftermath of the game was the whole room and themselves being a wet mess and the big sofa took around three weeks to dry.

Touko huffed. "Now, now, Touya-kun," she said in a playful tone. "I have come up with a game, and if I must say myself, it has to be the best game we have/will play so far!" she said proudly.

Touya rolled his eyes and shifted his attention from her to what he was reading.

"What kind of game?" N asked Touko, obviously interested.

"Well..." She said and from her bag, pulled out (insert dramatic music here) a box of chocolate-flavored Pocky.

Bianca lit up. "Are we gonna play the Pocky game?!" she chirped excitedly.

Touko smirked evilly before she pulled Touya from the floor and made him sit on the sofa as well.

The boy just groaned as a response before he continued to read his manga.

The Pocky Game (Pokemon One-Shot: Multiple Shippings)Where stories live. Discover now