The Messenger

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Verana didn't like the feel of the stone beneath her feet; it felt dead, cold and lifeless,  and it held her away from the heartbeat of the earth. It was weighing on her mind, grating on her nerves as she climbed the stairs surrounded by hard faced guards, listening to the scrape and jingle of her movements caused by the chains. 

The noise of the metal was also testing her patience but she could do something about that. Verana adjusted her steps and shifted the chains in her hands until she was moving silently once more. 

 Still, she was cold and hungry, and the storm had taken a great deal more power out of her than she had wanted to spend. All this left her with a quickly dwindling tolerance for the humans she was dealing with as they reached the main floor. There was very little hesitation once they stepped into the well lit and slightly warmer area that humans inhabited. One glance in either direction was all she was allowed before she was escorted through dimly lit hallways and finally to a large set of wood doors set into the back of the Keep.

The old, calm one was beside her, smelling of juniper trees, mint leaves and worry under the smell of leather and metal from his weapons and armour. "Traditionally we announce people to the Lord or King sitting at the end of these halls. Are you willing to give a name... or title or something? Seems more dignified than the prisoner sprite." Despite the worry, there was a flicker of a smile at that last part.

She couldn't help but appreciate his humour, half a smile creeping over her features as she glanced sideways to him. "My name for your name."

"I am Sir Benchan Silk, my lady. Master of arms for the Lord of Morningside." He inclined his head, the worry on his features melting away into something of disarmed amusement, "the King is there, as well as Lord Shelby." 

He hesitated, his eyes searching her face as the worry returned. " Look, I don't know why you're here, but if it isn't peaceful, please reconsider. They were taught by the best swordsman in the Kingdom. And he may be old, but his life is still sworn to guard theirs."

Of all of the humans, Benchan's trepidation appeared to be made of understanding what she was, not ignorance. He did not want to fight her. 

Verana listened to the other guards shift uncomfortably causing the creak of leather, as they gripped their sword hilts, to ring  in her ears. "I am Veranandein. Keeper of the Peace Swords, ambassador between the Feysha and the human Kingdom. I am not here to kill your King, nor your Lord Shelby."

Benchan nodded at that, relaxing ever so slightly before nodding to one of the guards, who swung open the doors, exposing a long hall with vaulted ceilings, lined with pillars and large windows. There was a collection of people milling throughout with the metal man was standing off to one side, looking like a frightened deer and two men at the far end who looked to be the central focus of the room. 

One was standing wearing breeches and a loose shirt like his brother and aside from the clothing difference, the family resemblance was obvious. His skin was darkened by the sun, hair damp and a dark brown colour, his eyes an even darker shade of brown. Strapped to his back was a large sword that sang through the air, even from this distance. He was the Keeper of the Sword, she knew that without even looking at the blade. 

The human sitting beside him was slightly smaller in build, more refined, his hair shorter, clothing threaded with gold and a casual gold circlet resting just over his brow. He looked incredibly curious  and slightly worried. But this young man who called himself a king restrained himself, gripping the chair and remaining rigidly where he was, his colour draining even more as she was led forward into the room and Benchan offered them a bow.

"Lady Veranandein of the Feysha, Keeper of the Peace Swords and ambassador to the Kingdom of Clairval, requesting an audience with Lord Shelby of Morningside and King Cavin the First, Liege of Clairval, protector of the realm."

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