Chapter 12

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Freddie's P.O.V.

Roger showing up at my front door couldn't have happen at a worst time. I was just about to tell Brian about our lecherous affair and then he shows up. Its almost like karma. We get him into the house and he appears to be in some sort of distress.

"Ive been trying to reach you guys for hours."  "Is your phone off the hook or something?" he asked. It must be serious because I never seen Roger look this way before.

"Never mind that. Now what's going on?" Brian was trying to get to the root of why he's here.

"Miami, its Miami!!" "He's in the hospital."

"Oh God no!" "What happened?" Brian exclaimed and I was equally shocked at what Roger just said.

"He was in a terrible car accident."  Miami was on his way to see Bob Geldof to discuss details regarding Live Aid when he was T-boned on Baker's Arm Road Junction. From what I've been told he was hit by a fucking drunk driver." He was rushed straightway to St. Mary's Medical and was placed in intensive care." I think they said he's in coma."

'Oh my God!' I yelled while hugging Brian with my head in his shoulder. We need to get over there right now!' I said.

"Right, I'll go grab our coats." While Brian scuttled off to the mud room to grab our jackets, I quickly took the opportunity to whisper in Roger's ear to let him know what I was about to tell Brian.

'Look Roger, I was just about to tell Brian about us and then you show up with this awful news about Miami.' 'I can't do this anymore!'

I was trying to keep my voice down as much as possible while telling him this. I step back and fully look at Roger and he looks absolutely  petrified at what I was planning to do. I knew this would be his reaction, but him showing up with this unfortunate news about Miami could buy us some more time. Maybe we can figure out a way to tell Brian together. I don't know if that sounds reasonable, but the truth has to come out sooner or later. I just don't know when.

"Don't do it Freddie!" he whispered mouth to me with his lips trembling. "You'll ruin everything. I'm begging you. Please don't do this" Not now, not like this Freddie Please!" Tears were welling up in his eyes while he was pleading with me not to tell Brian about us. I feel bad seeing as though he came here with fretful news, but we're doomed either way. Brian wants to know why I turned down his proposal and will not let up until he finds out why. Its just unfortunate that my dear friend Miami is in a terrible way right now. To say this night can't get any worse, well it just did!.  

'I'm sorry Roger, I can't keep lying.' This time I mouthed the words so Brian couldn't hear me.

Suddenly Brian walks back in with our coats and Roger and I adjust ourselves quickly to appear normal. But then Brian furrows his eyebrow and has a look of suspicion on his face. I'm praying he didn't notice anything weird. Lord knows we have enough to deal with already. I just want to get to the hospital and see how Miami is doing.

"What's going on?" Brian asks. "Is there more going on with Miami that you're not telling us Rog.?

Roger and I look at each other and relax a bit thinking he was going to probe further at seeing how close we just were. I speak up first.

'Oh no dear.' Rog. was just explaining to me the  terrible details of Miami's accident is all.'

More lies I keep telling Brian which is killing me inside, but I don't know how to stop. Straight away, I began shuffling around motioning for us to get going.

'Come on let's get out of here and get there before the press shows up,' I said. They both nod their heads in agreement. Roger and I exchange quick glances at each other and we all head outside to our cars. We wound up following behind Roger because he knows the fastest way to get us there. He said that going this particular route would lessing our chances of running into any paparazzi. That's the least of my worries. Moreover, as we're making our way to the hospital, I notice Brian has a worried look on his face likes he's about to cry. Right away I reach out and try and comfort him. This news has been hard on all of us.

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