inkcross {Part 1}

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Requested by: I forgot

I couldn't fine no pictures (Crappy Laptop) so I'm going to write a sin instead (Don't expect it to be good because god i haven't wrote in so long and I've never seen this ship so) 

!WARNING! Some sin Not a lot but there will be in part 2 !WARNING!

Inks pov:

I was so exited i was having a sleepover with my BEST friend Cross hes was going to stay for 2 days because...Why not! I was setting up downstairs we were sleeping in the living room so we could watch films and maybe even horrors.He should be here soon in and hour actuary I finish cleaning up within 5 minuets and start setting out my sleeping bag I order the pizza it should be here after cross gets here

~45 Minuets later~

The door opens and Cross walks in he smiles at me and I take hes sleeping bag and put it down next to mine "The pizza should be here soon!" "Ok"  I run upstairs and grab a black box with rainbow writing on it "I got the new card game called Unstable Unicorns! Its a really fun game I'll show you how to play it" I take all the cards out and explained "Ok I get it now" I put all the cards in a pile the give him five and myself five.

~20 minuets later~

Crosses Pov:

Ink plays her final card and wins.Even thought i didn't win it was a really fun game and lots of cute pictures i even had one where it was a Unicorn Butt Plug. By the time we finished the pizza came she didn't tell me she got us both a milk shake they were both bubblegum flavor and was very nice and washed the pizza down it was around 8.P.M so we got in our sleeping bags and watched films the first film we watched was Hush then we watched a couple episodes of Violet Evergarden. Ink fell asleep soon are the 4 episode I tried going asleep but I was getting really hot I just layed there looking at Ink shes so beautiful nothing that I could ever get all she saw me as was a friend a best friend. After a couple of minuets I just got hotter I was really confused of what was happening but I soon fount out I was in heat. I got out my sleeping bag and went outside leaving the door open I sat on the porch stairs with a drink of lemonade in my hand. I made a grunting noise as I sat there I look both sides of me to make sure no one was there and i'm pretty sure everyone including Ink are asleep so I pull down my pants and my member is now free to get some fresh air "Cross why is the door open?" I feel a hand on my shoulder I jump "I-Ink its not what it looks like!" I jump up and quickly pull my pants up but it was to late "Cross come back inside I could help you if you want~" 

Inks Pov

I walked outside and saw cross sitting the he started making gunrunning noises so I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder I swear he could have had a heart attack I looked looked down at the decking as I saw a blue glow (Idk what his dick colour is so its now blue)  "Cross come back inside I could help you if you want~" I could fell a faint rainbow tint fall across my face. Cross froze in place "I-I don't need help" I grab his hand as i drag him inside and push him on the sofa "Do you take the offer?~" before he could even answer I was crawling on top of him we meet face to face lips centimetres apart and the I move my face closer and closer until i could taste his lips. My noddle thin straps on my shirt fall down as I stick my hand down his pants to feel his fully erected dick. I stick my tongue in his mouth whilst stroking his dick. I slowly pull away "I-Ink stop!" I was shocked after all this time I thought he liked me "I though you loved me cross~" a lump in my throat was burning "I do but stop this!" 

Crosses Pov

After 5 minuets telling Ink I loved her she finally got of me we watched pitch perfect and fell asleep...

[THIS TOOK ME LIKE 20000 YEARS TO WRITE (2 days) I'll do part 2 soon]

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