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1.A living hell

2. A two faced monster

 A two faced monster

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Hi, i see you've clicked this fanfic. Out of curiosity? Or maybe out of interest? I sincerely don't know but if that's your wish to read what i have to say, well who am I to stop you from knowing? You might be confused thinking why am I writing this like it's some kind of letter to god knows who, I guess that's how life is? Everything that's around you may confuse or interest you maybe because you don't know it or maybe because you've heard of it well, let me tell you a story, a different one you can say. A story that looks back in life, in this story I will look back into the neverending circle of time, how it keeps on going around and around while you're trying to catch it without noticing everything passing by you, all your life people are trying to look forward, trying to know what will happen next to know what time is, and why is it like this? People are chasing after something that can't be held captured, they chase after something that's way bigger then them they look at time and think it's a simple thing, but the real question that nobody has an answer for is,

What is time?

You see, time is not something that's easy to put into words you can not explain it since it's going so fast and slow slipping in-between out fingers, but still lingering inside our mind. Time isn't some big clock or an Hourglass, though you can say that our time is limited like an hourglass every second of it count. Every moment of your life is time. Every second every minute every hour every day, week, month, year, is your life is your time passing by you and you don't even notice it, even tho I don't blame you, living in a world when a simple phone screen means someone's whole universe, you won't notice it flying by with the wind like a wild bird spread it's wings and flying away. Those screens you won't even notice but your whole life is surrounded by those screens, everywhere you go there's a screen that's telling you something yet each time it's different, one time it's telling you you should be yourself because you're most beautiful when you are you and another time it's convincing you that being beautiful like that person or that person is better then yourself, society has a personality disorder like you can tell, one moment it gives you it's hand, it caress your hair softly and hugs you warmly giving you love while holding a knife against your back ready to stub you in the back, ready to show you how life really but sometimes you gotta remember,

Society is a two faced monster that crushes people to pieces if you're not like them but them doesn't exist since perfection is something that can not exist in anyone even in the most beautiful people you see, they may be beautiful but you don't know the whole story so let me tell it to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2019 ⏰

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