A toast to the squirrel

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I say we all thank that squirrel.

Look around you, yes right now. What do you see? Maybe you see the innards of your disgraceful bedroom or maybe you glance towards a poorly decorated lounge room. Whatever it is we must remember the squirrel and thank him for what he did for us- hang on a second. What did happen to that squirrel?

The squirrel lay on the floor of the universe, broken, shattered, destroyed, like an unattempted 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle. When he thought all was lost, you wouldn't believe who showed up, THE QUEEN!

Naaa just joking, he's not that important! But someone did show up. Actually quite a few people did.

All the King's horses and all the King's men arrived next to the squirrel, sobbing at the loss of Humpty Dumpty, who unfortunately, they couldn't put back together again. But luckily they had leftover glue and before you could say Jack Robinson, the squirrel was as good as new!

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