monday morning

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I woke up to my alarm clock ringging. I turned over so I could stop it. I groan as I get up from my bed and walk to the bathroom. I use the rest room like I did every morning and washed my face and starigent my hair that went to the middle of my butt after that I go back to my room that was painted a light blue with painted clouds on the top. As I head to my closet I pick out a black tank top and a.white half shirt with some black convers and some white skinny jeans. As I put on my clothes I think about what we are going to do today and it hit me..... today was picture day I hate picture day. I Get up from putting on my shoes go down stairs and pour me a big bowl of lucky charms. When I was finished I went back up stairs and brushed my teeth and then applied some masscarea and eye liner. When I was done I went BACK down stairs and grabed my bags and jacket and head out the door. I get in my little black p.t. cruiser and drive to school I got my schedule changed so I dont really no a lot of people In my class now.... I pull up in the schools parking lot I was 30 minutes early so I waited by the big sign that said Broken Arrow high school. I sat underneath the sign and finished my math homework when I was finished it was now 8:25 so I only had 5 more minutes to go so I just decided to listen to music. I went to my car a grabbed my headphones and started listening to my jam

It was now time to go inside so I put my headphones up and grabbed my bag and went to my locker and grabbed what I needed for just my first hour witch was algebra 1. I had my pencil,notebook, and my math book. I headed to breakfast and did not eat that nasty food I just waited for the couple of friends that I had. The first two to come was Amy and her bigger sister Yvette. They waved and went to go get there trays. When they came back they smiled and started talking. Then right before Amy said any thing Jackie,citlaly and Diamond came and sat down they had all ready got there tray but we just talked then the bell rang we said quick see ya laters and went off to class. My class was all the way down the hall from the cafeteria witch was A108 I walked in (thank gosh I was the first one ) and took a seat in the front of the class. The teacher came in there a little bit later and told me to move back 3 seats so I did after that a couple of more started to come in buy there was this one boy that came in and sat down in the seat next mine. I looked at him and for some reason I felt the jolt of happiness Shot out of me and into him and I no he felt it because he kinda jumped and then glanced at me then looked up and looked at me and smiled I smiled back. He was about to say something when the bell rang. All first hour I could only pay attention to him......I could only see him. After first hour ended and the bell rang I barley even noticed it. When I got up we made eye contact. At that point he started talking when the words came out of his mouth it was like we already knew each other so I was not nerves of scared I was just.... i don't no myself. After that long talk had he walked me to my class and said see u later. We planed for him to sit with me and the 5 of us me, Jackie,citlay,diamond,Amy and Yvette. He did not ask for my name but I did not realize that the whole time we had been talking he had Been saying my name.

It was now 2 hour and I still was not paying any attention to what any body was saying. All I could think about was Jacob. Then I let out a big gasp witch caused people to stare. But how did I no his name Jacob, Jacob black I needed to get some air. I ask the teacher go to the restroom. He said yes. I got up to walked to the door and someone grabbed my hair and pulled. I was scared that I was going to fall but no I spun around and twisted my hair and the person who was pulling my hair fingers he let out a little yelp and let go. I ran out the classroom befor the teacher could say anything. I made it to the restroom and I splashed a little cold water on to my Dark colored skin. I waited a couple of minutes and then left the bathroom . When I walked out I was walking with my head down and I heard some one someone i new. I don't no how I could tell who it was by just listening to the sound of there foot steps.....but I did and I new exactly who it was....Jacob. it was like he knew who it was to because he stopped walking and started running. At this point I was scared but when he turned around the corner he smiled and opened his arms asking for a hug. So I ran and gave him a hug. In my head I had no idea what the hell I was doing I don't even no this man (well I do but still) and now I'm giving him a hug. I did not listen to the voice in my head. I gave him a hug and he finally said u should come over today. OK I will have to ask my aunt. Oh so u live with ur aunt. Yea.OK well here's my number and call me if she says Yea or nah. I laugh and say ok. We say our goodbyes and head to class. As I make my way back to class I keep thinking that some how I no him lile Really no him and it was killing me.........i needed to find out. I walk into the class room and take my seat. Gone way to long Ms Barnett. Sorry it was a girl uh emergency. Oh Oh take your seat now please. As I take my seat I see the person who pulled my hair he gave me a look that Oh I'm so bad look. I just ignored him and take my seat. As I take my seat I get a text message from a number I don't no. I use my long dark hair to cover my phone and read the message that said: Hey it's Jake come over right after school... I have something for u✌. I text him back and say ok. I automatically got a text back saying bring an extra set of clothes. I look at the text and say Ok what are the clothes are for. He text back minutes later saying nothing nasty promise but something cool. I say Oh ok and put my iPhone5 back in my pocket. The bell rang witch I thought was way to early but I grabe my stuff an FCC head out the door I got to me next class witch is p.e. as make my way all the way up the hall and around the corner. I walk in to the large gym and I take out my phone to take a quick selfie and add it on my snapchat story when I was finished I was about to put it away when I bump into someone and my phone drops and I look up about to say something and see a very cute person standing a couple of inches taller than me. Oh I'm sorry here u go he says as he picks up my phone. Thanks I say hoping when I turn it over to see no cracks. I turn it Over and thank gosh no cracks. I put it away and turn to to see the boy walk away and take a seat. Yaasss he is in my class. The bell rang and I take my seat right in front of the boy. The Teacher interduce him self. My name is coach romairez and today we will have partners so we can get to no each other better. He told us the rules to play the game witch was called who know's best. He started paring us up when finally he called my name: Tatyana Barnett with Tobias russ I stand up and I fell the bleachers move behind me I turn and see it was that cute boy (once again YAASSS) we both step down he let me go first and we make it to our spot witch was all the way east of the gym entrance doors but I take a seat and so dose he. I the coach called the last people and the game began. You can go first. He said slowly. Um ok

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