Doppio x Reader (Part 1?)

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PART 5 SPOILERS!! Read at your own risk.

'Clink clink clink clink'

The sound of the door chimes and clinking from the tea stirring stur you from your trance. You smiled at the new customer walking in with a briefcase and dark business suit. 'Hmm... I'll bet he's the black roast coffee type' you think to yourself while greeting, "Good morning, what can I get for you today?".

You were right, you didn't think much of it so you started pouring his coffee in a to go cup. After snapping on the lid, you smile and reach to hand him the cup. Little did you know, someone was behind him and bumped into him, so while he was reaching out to grab it while on his phone, accidentally shoved the cup towards you. You lose your grip on the coffee and not a second after, you feel an almost scalding hot liquid spill all over you, also getting some on the business man's hand. "Ah!!" You shriek, panicking. "Shit, I apologize. I didn't mean to." The tall broad man quickly reaches for napkins from the other side of the counter. Hurrying and not thinking, the man quickly reaches over and attempts to dry your chest where most of the mess was. "A-Ah! Uh um" Heat quickly rises to your face and to his as he realizes what he's doing. He quickly retreats his arm and makes his way out of the café, embarrassed. "E-Excuse me! I'll get you another coffee!" You shout slightly but he leaves anyways, face growing more red as you look around the café, realizing everyone watched.

"Agh damn it, he probably only meant to help." You mumble to yourself putting the spilt cup into the garbage can under the counter. "When is (coworkers name) going to get here?? Ugh I've been the only one working the counter this morning, it's such a hassle on my own" You curse under your breath. You grab the mop and quickly clean up the coffee that spilt on the floor and put it away, being careful not to slip on the wet surface. Grabbing some more napkins and water, you attempt to get rid of the dark spots that now stained your grey long sleeved shirt with an intense, hard look on your face. While focusing on trying to clean yourself up, you don't seem to hear the door chimes ring, signalling when someone's come in or out.

"Ahem, Uh, excuse me..miss" a young voice calls out from the other side of the counter, catching your attention. Upon hearing this, you quickly snap your head up to whoever said it, revealing an attractive teen around your age with pink magenta hair wearing a confused but concerned look on his face. "Oh! Ah- Hello! Sorry, I didn't see you there" you chuckle nervously, quickly putting the used napkins in the garbage. He also chuckles a little, "Not many people seem to" he smiles sheepishly. You awkwardly smile back, "Oh um, sorry, what can I get you this busy morning?". "I'll get a chai tea latte and a black coffee, both medium." He musters out, fumbling around with his briefcase quickly looking for his wallet. You took notice of this and smile, "$5.50 is your total". You thought he was really cute, not very well put together but that just made him even more adorable in your eyes. You hated when you melted with certain customers, but there was something kind of different about him, though you couldn't really put your finger on it. He hands you a 5 dollar bill and two quarters, and you notice that his left hand is slightly red. 'Did he get burned on his hand?' You wonder, after remembering the event that happened just minutes ago with your last customer, 'I think the last customer got burned from the coffee as well'. Quickly getting out of your thoughts and putting the cash in the register, and starting on his drinks. 'The last guy had a briefcase and ordered a medium black coffee as well.. It must just be a coincidence' you think as you pour the drinks in the cups and finish them off with lids and whatnot. 'Let's just hope the same thing doesn't happen again' you reach over and pass him the cups, accidentally touching his hands. His hands were soft, and somewhat small but slender. He grabs them but soon puts a coffee down to grab a piece of paper that fell, "Ah, here. Sorry, you dropped this". He gives you the small piece of paper that seemed to be torn from something, you're confused, but you still take it. "I didn't drop it, aha, I don't carry paper with me" you say with a somewhat apologetic smile on your face. He doesn't respond and instead takes the coffee he had set down and winks at you with a heated pink face, he then sets off out of the store with a smile on his face and a feeling of accomplishment.

Left confused and somewhat embarrassed for some reason, you look down at the torn piece of paper and pink returns to your face. 'Well I've never been given a customers number before.. Maybe I'll take him up on it' you think to yourself and smile. You slide the piece of paper into your apron pocket for later and prepare yourself for more customers, trying to look more professional.


It's the end of your shift and you're about to hang up your apron when a paper falls out. "What's this?" You pick it up and suddenly remember the interaction that had happened earlier in the day, 'Ah, right. I guess I should take just with me'. "What's that, huh?" Your coworker nudges you and smirks, and quickly snatches it from your hand. "Hey! Give that back! That's rude and none of your business" You huff now in a mood. "Calm down, I'll give it back" she smiles in surprise, observing it. "that's so cute! You got someone's number? That's a first" she hands you back the note and smirks. "How did they look? Were they attractive? You gonna call them?" She starts questioning you. "You're so loud! But.. Yes he was very attractive, very cute. He has this beautiful magenta coloured hair pulled back in a yellow hair tie, and a cute crop top-ish sweater and somewhat loose pants. A little bit of a bizarre style, but it all came together and it actually looked really nice, he pulled it off. I think I probably will call him, once I muster up the courage" You smile, reminiscing a few hours ago. "Well, I wish you luck! Sounds like a good catch. Sorry I'm keeping you, I'd better let you go now. Have a good evening!" She starts going back to working on things and cleaning up as she watches you gather your things. "Thanks, you too. See you tomorrow." You pack up your things and head out of the café.


You made it to your apartment safely and locked the door behind you. "Prr?" Your cat makes the sound she usually does when she's surprised and runs to your legs, rubbing against them, greeting you. You smile, "well hello beautiful, sorry I took so long" you pout and pat her head, and she purrs against you. After putting your keys on the key hook, you retreat to your bedroom and change into some comfortable clothing, throwing your grey stained shirt in the laundry. After changing, you go to the kitchen and grab some snacks and grab a blanket and lay on the couch in the living room, putting on some zombie movie. You forget about the note and all the other little chores you had to do, and pass out on the couch. (Regretfully though, because you got a dumb zombie nightmare. But it's ok because you were a badass survivor in it).
A/N: Heyyy... Uhhh so it's like 3:30 in the morning rn and I haven't slept. I got bored so I decided to finish this. Should I make a part 2? 🤔 ALSO I'M SORRY IF THIS IS SHIT, I HAVEN'T WRITTEN IN A LONG TIME

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