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1. Sharpie
2. Block of Lava
3. Mecury
4. Test Tube
5. Fan
6. Leaky Louie (Spongy)
7. Golf Ball
8. Angel Loser
9. Devil Apple
10. Mercy
11. Luigi
12. Lightning
13. Tennis Ball
14. Jake the Dog
15. Balloona Luna
16. Remote
17. Pen
18. emotegirl1 (me in ROBLOX)
19. emoteboy1 (my boyfriend in ROBLOX)
20. Toasty
21. Chupa Chup
22. Chips
23. Tiffany Mayumi (from ROBLOX)
24. Microphone
25. Choo Choo The Train (from TROC2)
26. Gym Headband
27. Dumbbell
28. Paper
29. Party Hat
30. Jeans
31. Splatoon Gun
32. Polandball
33. Germanyball
34. Cherry (from Object Lockdown)
35. Chinaball
36. Simon
37. Noob (from ROBLOX)
38. Olive (from TROC3)
39. Ribbon
And finally.....

40. Todd the Turnip (from Cleaning Simulator)

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