~1~ A New Start

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                         *James' POV*
     Wha- what? What was that?


      "OK! COMING!" I managed to say.

     Ugh. School. Why couldn't we stay in Minnesota? It was much better than Arizona. We at least had to wake up at 7, and not 5 am. I guess I have to get up anyway. Mom screaming isn't a good way to start a day.
                    *Walks downstairs*
What's for breakfast? Mmm. It's pancakes!

                         *Jaiden's POV*

                            *Wakes Up*
Wait, where am I? Where's the birb I just bought-
Oh. It was a dream. :/
     "Jaiden! What do you want for breakfast?" screamed Jaiden's mom downstairs.
       "You can choose! I'd prefer oatmeal though!" I replied.
I hate it here. You have to wake up so early and it's disgusting. In Wisconsin, I needed to get to school by 9am. Now in Arizona, I have to get up and be at school by 6. Eww. I mean, it's second grade. Why don't elementary school kids get to school by 7? The education system is crappy.
                       *Walks downstairs*
  *Time skip*
    "Bye mom!" I say.
     "Bye sweetie!" my mom replies.
I run into school. It's only 5:30am, but I like being early for school. I walk upstairs to my classroom.
    "204, 206, 208, oh! 212! there it is!" I hear someone say.
I walk into my classroom. Even though it's now 25 minutes prior to the bell ringing, there's already a bunch of kids here. I take a seat near the back and pull out a sketchbook. It's filled with animals and cartoon characters, but it's mostly mice. Mice are the best, but I sometimes draw my bajillion stuffed animals I have. Anyway, as I was doodling a random idea that popped into my head, a dirty blonde girl with dark blue eyes walks into the room and sits next to me. I don't expect her to make conversation with me, so I ignore it.
"Are you the new kid?" she asks. "I'm also a new kid, and I think my mom said there was another new girl too."
The girl looked a bit familiar. But I decided to brush it off since she doesn't look like she'd be my friend anytime soon.
"I'm new. I moved here from Wisconsin." I replied.
"Really? I have a lot of family that lives there. What's your name? I'm Faith." She says.
"I'm Jaiden".
Suddenly, the bell rings. My teacher, Ms. Yates, walks into the room. She doesn't look very strict, like my old teachers. I took a look around the room. Definitely more decoration and toys than my previous teacher.
"Hi students. I'm Ms. Yates. I'll be your second grade teacher. To start off a new year, let's introduce the new students. Faith Rallison and Jaiden [insert last name here] please stand up and introduce yourselves."
Ummm.. what? Did she say me and Faith? I'm not ready for this. Zidkdkendjdiekr
"Faith you go first." I almost inaudibly whispered.
She listened and began her little story.
"Hi, I'm Faith and I'm new here. My family moved here from Minnesota to Arizona because of working purposes. My mom is an author, and my dad is an architect. That means he designs buildings around the country, so we have to follow him around a lot. Anyway, I hope to have a really good second grade, peace."
Shoot. My turn. I guess I'll have to say something.
     "Hey. I'm Jaiden. I'm still 7 and I moved from Wisconsin. I love drawing and pokèmon, and i recently met a friend, Faith. I moved for job purposes, like Faith said. I hope to have a nice and peaceful second grade, bye."
That 👏 was 👏 horrible.
                         *TIME SKIP*
The lunch bell rings. Finallyyyyyy. I walk to the lunchroom with Faith and we find a seat with this boy.
       "Jaiden, this is James. He's my twin brother. James, this is Jaiden."
        "Hi", we said simultaneously.
I don't know how to react. He looks really cute. I've never had a crush before, but all my previous friends have. I wonder what it feels like. I'll have to call them later.
As you can see, I scrapped my other jameden book. I'm not doing that again. I have a really good plot in mind, and my friend Kelly's going to pitch in with things I don't have the brain cells to do. This is a two person project, and the longest book I'm going to make so far. I hope you enjoyed, the next part's coming soon. bai.

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