Ash 13

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Remington pov

I grabbed a rope. I hung it on the branch... after all I have nothing to live for... I stood on top of a stool... I will be like uncle Craig in the music video Issues... but this will be real no one will save me... I took in a deep breath as I stepped upon the stool remembering when I held Andrew. a tear slipped from my eye. the memories hit me hard. I stumbled falling off the stool... but then someone caught me... Danny. he said

"What are you doing out here?" his accent rolled smoothly over the words. I said

"Killing myself if you don't mind..." I sat the stool back up. he said

"Do you really want to do this?" I said

"Yes..." Danny said

"I'm going to leave you to reflect on this... it's your choice you string you get to pick when it's cut!" his voice sounded cold his accent not melting over the cold words. I stood atop the stool again. I put the noose around my neck. I jumped...

**** SNAP****

the tree branch broke I was left on the ground unconscious. I woke up in the same place but someone was carrying me. I slowly opened my eyes to see Danny. I snuggled closer to him as he carried me. he laid me down in the grass. I could've swore I heard him crying. I sat up and hugged him. he said

"Your alive!" his voice sounded happy. he pulled me close to him. He pressed his lips to mine. I pushed him away and whispered

"We can never be!" with that I stood upon the stool once again. I put the noose around my neck and jumped.

Steph pov

I got a frantic call from Danny he was crying. he said

"Remington is dead." I fell down and started to cry Danny hung up. I said

"FUCK!!!" I grabbed my antidepressants. I took like 12. I then felt myself slipping away from me, the world, life."

Ash pov

I ran into the kitchen Stephanie laid lifeless on the floor. I cried and held her. I got a knife and drove it into my chest. blood ran down my body. I felt cold and I started to leave this world for the next one...

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