Chapter 1

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First off, I should introduce myself. My name is Charlotte Colson, but no one ever calls me Charlotte. Just Charlie. Charlotte is too girly for me. I've been surfing ever since I can remember. My coach when I was younger was Rod Kerr himself. I spent every summer in Australia surfing and training with him. Then during the winter, KB (that's what I call him) would make trips with me to Hawaii to ride some bigger waves. I competed on the pro circuit for several years before a knee injury sidelined me. I've been back into competition now for two years and I've made the decision to move to Australia permanently. I haven't told Kerrbox that I'm coming yet. Or Hoppo. Oh yeah, by the way, when I spent the summers surfing in Australia, I spent a lot of time in the tower at Bondi. Whenever KB had to go to work, I would go too. Even did a few rescues. It's always been a dream of mine to come back and be a lifeguard. That is my first priority when I hit Australian ground. Become a lifeguard. And surprise KB and Hoppo.

So that catches you up to now. I'm sitting in a taxi about to pull up to Bondi Beach. I got my bags and walked up to the tower. Man, I've missed this place. I knocked on the door. A tall, tan, light brown (with little bits of red) haired guy opened the door. Wow, He is handsome.

"Yeah, can I help you?"

"Umm, I'm here to see Hoppo and Kerrbox. Are they in today?"

"Yeah sure. Come on in. I'll radio for them to come to the tower." He held open the door for me and I walked in. This place hasn't changed a bit. A big smile took over my face as I looked around.

"So, are you from here?" I heard from beside me.

"No. I'm from the US. I spent my summers here with KB and Hop when I was younger. Haven't been here in 2 years, so I thought I'd surprise them."

"Well, you can surprise me any day," he said with a wink and a grin. Man, is he gorgeous or what?

"I don't even know your name," I grinned back at him.

"Harrison. Or Lionel Hutz as the boys call me."

"Charlie. And I think I'll stick with Harrison," I said with a laugh. We looked at each other for a minute before the door to the tower opened. I turned and locked eyes with one of the best men I've ever known, Bruce Hopkins.


He grabbed me in a big hug, spinning me around in a circle.

"Look at you. It's been way too long kiddo," he said with a grin.

"I missed you blokes, so I moved here."

"You moved here? Like permanently?"

"Yep. I needed a change. Any chance you need a new lifeguard?" I said with a cheeky smile.

"For you? Any day."

Before we could say anything else, another man walked in the door. Before I could even look to see who it was, I was tackled in a hug. A muffled Charlie comes from the person currently attached to me. I pull back to look into the eyes of my "dad", Rod Kerr.

"It's so good to see you. You have no idea how much I missed you, KB."

"Same to you little Lottie," he said with a sly grin.

I punched him lightly in the arm before reminding him my name is Charlie.

"I've called you Lottie since the day I met you. Don't think that's gonna be changing any time soon." He said with a laugh.

"Hopp said you have an opening on the team. Looks like you will have to get used to calling me Charlie."

"You were a great lifeguard for a grommet." Hoppo chimed in.

"Well, I guess we will find out!" 

A/N: It's short, but hopefully good! Already starting on the rest! 

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