Chapter 2

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Since I didn't have a uniform yet, work couldn't start today. Sadly. I wanted to start like yesterday. Well, I'm already here. Might as well spend the day at the beach until knockoff. I got my towel and changed into my favorite mint green bikini. I spread my towel out and dove into the water. I missed this place. The blue water, soft sand, friendly people, and nice waves. I swam around for a while before heading back up to my towel. I get a nice tan from surfing all the time, but who doesn't like to lay out in the sunshine. I went back and forth between the water and the beach to cool myself off. Before no time, it was knockoff time. I was reading my book (that I've had open for months) when a shadow came over my face. I opened up to my eyes to see Harrison's smiling face. What a sight.

"Can I help you?"

"Uh yeah. Some of the guys are going surfing tomorrow at Tama. Do you surf?" Harrison asked me.

"It's been a while, but yes, I do surf," I said with a grin.

"Well, would ya want to come with us? It's just gonna be me, Maxi, and Jesse. A-And you if you want to come?" He sounded a bit shy all of a sudden.

"Yeah sure. Sounds like fun."

"Meet you there at 8? Do you need to borrow a board?"

"No I'm sure Kerrbox has one I can use at the house."

"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow," he said with a big grin.

"See ya then!" I waved before gathering my stuff and walking up to the tower. I saw KB and Hoppo walking up to meet me.

"Ready to get out of here kiddo?"

"Yeah let's get out of here." We walked to KB's car and Hoppo said he would let me know when my uniform came in. Finally we were on our way to Kerrbox's house.

"Is my room still the same?"

"Of course. I always knew you'd miss me and be back," he said with a laugh.

"You obviously missed me, Mister I-Call-Three-Times-A-Week," I say as we both have a good laugh.

"Seriously though. I'm glad you're here."

"Me too. Oh yeah, I'm going surfing with a few of the guys tomorrow at Tama. I think Harrison said their names are Maxi and Jesse."

"Harrison, eh? He invited you surfing? You must've made a big impression on him," he said with a wink.

I blushed before answering, "We are going surfing with a group of my future coworkers. It's just a way to get to know each other."

"They aren't bad guys. Actually, I love Maxi like a brother. Harrison and Jesse too. Harrison is a real good bloke. Sweet, caring, but a little crazy. You'll have a good time. Take your old surfboard and have fun Lottie."

"Call me Charlie or I'll have to bring out Roddie," I said with a grin.

"NO. Kerrbox or KB is fine, Charlie."

We arrived home and after getting hugs from his mother, I retired to my room. It is the exact same as I left it two years ago. Lifeguard blue walls with white ceiling and hardwood floors. Surfing posters and trophies line the walls. My old surfboard in the corner. Home sweet home.

The rest of the night was filled with movies and old memories. I think we finally went to bed around midnight. I was tired I fell asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up and turned off my alarm. Ugh, I need another day of sleeping. Jet lag is the worst. At least I get to go surfing. I got out of bed and threw on my white bikini and matching rash guard. Grabbed my board and a breakfast shake and ran out the door. I walked up to Tama and saw Harrison with two blokes carrying boards.

"Hey guys. Good morning for a surf, ay?"

"Guys, this is Charlie. Charlie, this is Maxi and Jesse," he pointed out a tall, tan, blonde haired guy with a few tattoos and big smile and a shorter, tattoo coved man with bright blue eyes.

"Wow. Harrison said you were gorgeous, but I was not expecting this. You are a stunner." Maxi said with a wink.

I blushed again. What is it with me and blushing since I got here. I looked over at Harrison and he is blushing as well.

"Harrison said I was gorgeous?" I nudged him, laughing.

"Yeah I mean you are, but Maxi wasn't supposed to say that," Harrison said as another blush came over his cheeks.

"Well as much as I'd love to stand here making Harrison uncomfortable, I think we are here to surf. Let's go!" Maxi exclaimed!

"You do know how to surf right?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah you can say that." Just wait boys. I'll put you to shame. 

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