Boris's movie date

14 0 0

Boris P.o.v

I sat on the couch and waited for Aggie maybe she didn't want to hang out with me. . . What if she was just doing it out of pity. I started to freak but then a light tap  on my shoulder, my ears went up and I turned around and there she was smiling sweetly and says, "Sorry for being late I was taking a bath and when I get the tub I never want to get out." She said rubbing her back of her neck. " No no it's okay  I like taking baths to." 

 She giggled and and sat on the couch, "But to make up for my lateness I brought candy!" She said with a  whole bunch of candy in a bag. "Whoa!" I love candy ever since Mugs got me hooked onto it.

[Anon: hey Baby Boris on a scale of one to ten how pretty is she]

[Anon: oh Boris how pretty is she 1-10 ]

[Anon:yo how she look 1-10]

  Ten million! She's pretty, nice, very smart, and super funny. "Hey what should we watch." She said already starting to eat the candy. "Hm ever seen A broken soul?" She looked confused and my mouth dropped I went to get my bag and took out the movie and quickly put it in the DVD player. 

Aggie P.O.V

I  blushed stuffing my mouth with my favorite candies called Inkttles. (skittles). "Um what exactly is A broken souls?" He pressed play and sat on the couch, "Just watch you'll absolutely love it." He sounded so sure so I smiled and nodded.

                                           1 hour into the movie

Boris P.O.V

I loved this movie so much  it made me really happy that she was liking it. "So how do you like it so far?" She was laying on my shoulder eating her candy hypnotized by the movie.

[Anon: oh what's it about Boris]

"Oh well it's about a girl who has a abused father and is always alone and hurts herself but finds someone exactly  like her and there love overcomes what happens next." Whispers trying not to distract her. "WHAT!" She stands  up and runs around screaming. Oh this must be the  part where the girl talks back to the father. "Omg Boris that movie was amazing!" He slightly rubbed the back of his head smiling, "I-I'm glad you did." 

  She got closer to  me and kissed me softly my face turned red and so did hers. I kissed back slightly putting my arms around her waist as she put her arms around my neck.  We pulled away blushing our face very red but a smile on our faces. "H-Heh h-how sweet can you get?"

[Anon: Awwwwww that's so sweet]

[Anon:Awwww the baby wolfy has a girlfriend now]

Aggies P.O.V

  I was on a red zone tomato fuse his lips were so soft so sweet so. . . tasty. We stared at each other for a moment and I blushed more as he placed his head on mines. His hands were so warm around my waist. I wanted to kiss him just one more time just one more time before I left for bed but to my surprise he kissed me passionately holding me close.  I was really happy that I found someone he was sweet, silly, and absolutely adorable! It's like he was my soulmate before we met. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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