Happy Birthday Kaylina - Part 1

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*2 Days Later*
*Kaylina's Birthday*

Kaylina's POV

I hear my alarm blare in my ear the second time this morning. I punch the shit out of my alarm. I think I broke it.

I hear someone whisper in my ear. "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to Kaylina, Happy birthday to you"

I recognize that voice anywhere. Mommy. I get up to see if it really was her.

"Mom?" I say.

"Yes baby, its really me" She says back to me. I hug her tightly. I missed my mom so much, even though I moved out on my own, I still miss her voice in the mornings.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"I couldn't miss my babygirl birthday" she said. I haven't really seen my mom a lot after she got married to William or as you know Smokey Robinson. She's been busy with him and plus work, but when I really get up there in the Music Industry she won't have to worry about none of that shit. I owe her a lot.

"Aw man. I almost forgot it was my birthday today," I laughed. "I just been so down lately."

My mom frowns, "Why is that?"

I didn't tell my mom that I went on a date with Michael and I don't think I am ready too not just yet. Considering what happened the other night.

"Nothing important" I say hoping she would let me off.

"Your so funny Eileen," she laughs. "You really think I'm gonna let you off that easy."

Or not.

"Now tell me Kaylina, whats wrong?" She asks me. I really can't keep things from my mom. Even if I tried to, I still won't be able to. She always gets the truth out of me.

"Fine. This is gonna be a long story," I pointed at her. "So have your listening ears on."

She gives me a thumbs up. "Okay. I know I never told you this but Michael took me on a date but he called it a friendly out--"

She paused me. "Hold on. You said Michael Jackson took you on a date?"

"Y--Yes," I stuttered. "I swear mom I was gonna tell you-" I start ranting.

She cuts me off. "It's okay baby. Just continue on with the story". It seems as if she isn't mad about me going out with a 28 year old.

I start. "Okay. Yeah so he took me out, we had a nice time, and we almost kissed". My Mom's eyes nearly popped out of her head.

Aw shit.

I continued on, "But later on that night he call me and we talked for a little bit. Then I asked him what was his intentions with me," I closed my eyes thinking about what happened. "He took it personal, then hung up on me"

"He hung up on you?" She asked.

"Yeah," I say quietly. "I just don't know what I said wrong, all I did was ask him a question."

"Well babygirl, just wait on it he'll come around," she says while patting my thigh. "Now get dressed, there's some people waiting downstairs for you."

I smile, "Okay mom." She kisses my forehead, then leaves the room. To be honest I don't feel like doing anything today but I guess since it's my birthday i'm not gonna get a break.

After my mom left the room, I got up and got ready. I hopped in the shower, then I went to go pick out my outfit for today.

(Picture In The MM)

After I get dressed I head downstairs, I hear distant voices chattering in my living room. I know she did not bring nobody into my house.

All of a sudden it got quiet, really quiet. I make it downstairs.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KAYLINA" Everyone yells. I scream, loud.

"What the fuck? Y'all scared me" I exclaimed holding my chest.

"Happy Birthday best friend" Janet says as she walk up to me and hugs me. As I'm hugging her I peep Michael staring at me smiling.

I whisper in Janet's ear, "Girl, what is Michael doing here?" I say to her while staring at Michael.

"Go get yo man sis" she says to me then walks away. I exhale then walk over to where he was. Shit, I might as well get him.

"Happy Birthday Kaylina" he says to me. I just stare at him. Hoping he will tell me why he reacted the way he did the other night.

Michael clears his throat. "Look I know your wondering why I am here considering what happened the other night on the phone," he pauses. "I just wanna say I am sorry for the way I reacted, I have really bad trust issues, and I am very insecure and-" he rambles on. I grab his face and kiss him. Our lips move in sync. Its like everything around us just freezes and it's just the two of us.

I let go of him. "Look I forgive you, I should've never asked that anyway."

"No," he holds my hands. "You have every right to ask that, it's my fault for the way I reacted."

I smile at him. I am surprised he actually apologized to me, you know some men never even think about apologizing but, I can tell Michael is different from the others.

"Look I have a surprise for you, but I am gonna give it to you later" he whispered in my ear then walks away.

That sent chills down my spine.

Later that day

I'm sitting on the couch thinking about what happened earlier between me and Michael. There are only a few people in my house since this morning. But all I have been thinking about is Michael's surprise. I wonder what does he have to show me?

Michael comes and sits next to me. "Hey," he says. I am nervous as hell. "I seen you over here staring into space for like 2 hours," he looks at his watch. "Are you ready for your surprise?"

I made a scared face but I'm joking with him. "No I'm scared. Your not gonna kidnap me are you?"

Michael frowns. "No," then he starts smirking, "Unless you want me too?"

That sent chills up and down my spine when his voice got deep. The stuff this man does to me.

"Well I'm ready for my surprise." I say to him.

"Okay its at the studio" he says.

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