Chapter 10

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Nightpaw looked around her in terror at the bloody battle. The shrieks and hisses of the cats rang in her ears. Her limbs trembled as she tried to move, to at least help, but to no avail. Pools of blood covered the ground as the limp bodies of both her clanmates and others were scattered on the ground like leaves on a windy leaf-fall day. Nightpaw couldn't do anything, and she just watched as her clan was torn apart.

"My warriors did no such thing, Shinestar!" Horizonstar growled as he faced Shinestar.
"Then how do you explain the strong StormClan scent on our territory?" Shinestar queried, abstaining a snarl. Nightpaw stared at the two leaders, trying her best to block out the sharp, hurtful stares of the StormClan cats. They muttered among themselves as they looked in her direction.
"Our clan does not break the warrior code under any circumstances, and i am surprised that you would accuse us of such things." Horizonstar snarled at Shinestar. He turned to his warriors beside him. "Fossaclaw, Owlclaw, Shademist, escort them back to their territory. We're done here."
The three warriors agressively forced the patrol out of their camp. They eyed them sharply as they made their way across StormClan's dense forest territory.

The patrol pushed through the thorn barrier around MistClan's camp as Twigshade quickly darted down to them. The cats swarmed out of their dens to meet them.

"What did they say?"

"Did they admit it?"

"Are we gonna fight?"

Shinestar silenced the clans with one sweep of her tail.
"StormClan has refused to admit that they have hunted on our land. We will carry out our original plans and see if things escalate. If they do, then we shall decide what other actions to take," Shinestar announced to her worried clanmates, "Even if that includes getting physical."

That one sentence right there was enough to make Nightpaw's fur stand on end. Surely things wouldnt get that serious, right?
"Nightpaw!" Violetdawn's mentor called once the rest of the clan dispersed. Other warriors and apprentices were beside her.
Lavenderpaw, Mosspaw, and Cypresspaw stood next to their mentors Spiderstep, Stormshade, and Dovebreeze.
Nightpaw pushed her way over to the warriors. She looked over to Mosspaw, who didnt look at her back. He stared down at the ground, almost like he was pretending she wasnt there.
"Mosspaw?" She whispered to him. He very slightly glanced up, his silver eyes showing guilt as he quickly looked back down. Nightpaw looked at him with concern until Violetdawn's mew broke through her thoughts.
"Today, we are going to test your understandance of the territory, and how you manage to travel through it." Violetdawn explained.
"We are going back into the forest for a different type of training session than usual, but you are allowed to eat prey first before we leave." Dovebreeze added on, addressing all of the apprentices, although not looking directly at Nightpaw. Cypresspaw and Violetpaw swerved to avoid Nightpaw while Mosspaw dragged his tail on the ground as he dragged himself to the fresh kill pile, still not looking her way.
Whats wrong with him? She thought to herself. Usually we'd be overjoyed to see eachother. Somethings wrong.
Still, Nightpaw wasn't sure if she should push him to tell her why he's acting this way. She let out a sigh as she chose to ignore it for now.
I need to focus on my training.

"Now, why do you think we are called MistClan?" Spiderstep questioned the apprentices.
"Well," Nightpaw started to speak. "We are called MistClan because-"
She was abruptly cut off by Lavenderpaw, who glared at her. "Because we are able to easily navigate through our misty forests."
"Good." Spiderstep praised his apprentice, not acknowledging Nightpaw.
Whats their problem?
Violetdawn was clearly annoyed too, but she held her tongue.
"As a MistClan warrior, naviagting through our territory is a crucial part to clan life. We are going to test your skills on that." Spiderstep continued as Dovebreeze placed a feather in front of all four apprentices.
"This training session will be about how quickly and confidently you can get about. You will each carry your feather all the way to the Great Maple, but us warriors will try to stop you from getting there, so you'll need to be quick. This can also tie in with battle training." Stormshade took over the explanation. All four apprentices lined up side by side while grasping the feather in their jaws. The mentors hid within the trees out of their sight.
They heard Spiderstep's voice yowl, "Now!" As all the apprentices shot off and started racing. Nightpaw veered away from the others, racing away as she heard the apprentices eventually get ambushed by their mentors. As the cats tussled, it led almost a clear path to the Great Maple. She was startled for a second as Violetdawn suddenly lunged towards Nightpaw from behind a tree. She ducked down as Violetdawn landed a tail-length away from her. She peered through the mist and spotted the Great Maple just within reach. She raced faster as Violetdawn followed only mouse-lengths away. She twisted and swerved through brambles and branches, and roots and low-hanging leaves. In the last tail-length, with the apprentices only a few seconds away, she leaped toward the Great Maple, and set the feather down on one of it's huge roots.
"Nightpaw has won!" Violetdawn yowled proudly.

"Yeah, good job." Spiderstep said with a hint of irritation in his voice, while Dovebreeze just glared at her own apprentice. They were angry just because she had won. Stormshade even looked upset, but even though Mosspaw tried not to show it, he was proud of her, but he still said nothing.

The cats returned to camp as they were all told that they could grab something from the fresh-kill pile. Nightpaw followed Mosspaw and sat next to him. "Mosspaw, are you ok?" She questioned him. He looked away more from her. "Mosspaw?" She moved closer, only for him to turn around completely. "Mosspaw, why won't you talk to me!?" She cried to him.
"Just leave me alone!" Mosspaw snapped as he whipped around to face her. Nightpaw staggered back in fear as Mosspaw looked down again.
"I'm sorry." He muttered to her as he ran off somewhere, leaving Nightpaw standing there.
Somehow, she suddenly understood. The way Stagpaw had glared at her before they left. Just yesterday Mosspaw was actually acting normal before he got involved.

Stagpaw, what did you do?

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