Personal Aide

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You stood there on the front step of the Nakiri manor watching your parents drive off, leaving you behind. Suitcases in hand, you turned around and walked back into the manor.    

How did you end up in this situation? 

Your parents happened to be wealthy business owners. Anything and everything they did was always for their personal gain. May it be from business partners to stock shares, from what people they talk to or even down to their own marriage.  Even your life was used for their personal gain. 

Ever since day one, when you were adopted from America as an itty bitty baby and brought over to Japan, you've been told that your life was only ever saved so you could fit the mold of the so-called high-class society. 

You were to comply with all their commands, grant all their wishes, entertain their every need.  

Never once did you have the opportunity to truly be a child.

Never once did they truly care about your well-being.

Never once did they ask about your personal interests.

Never once did they act like true parents.  

They wanted to be as close as they could to the life of royalty, so that's why you were there. You were there to help them achieve that goal.

Your parents were so desperate to taste the top rungs of the social latter, that they finally went as far as to attempt to marry you into the Nakiri family. Since that plan didn't quite work out, they decided to have you work for the Nakiri family instead.  

So here you were preparing yourself in the front lobby of the manor.    

A few hours later...

After you settled into your new room you were assigned your first instruction of the week. 

A kind girl by the name of Arato was the one who stopped by to inform you. 

"All-right Ms. (l/n), Dean Senzaemon told me to inform you of your new task. As you know I am Ms. Erina's personal aide, but since I am a student at Totsuki and finals are approaching, Dean Senzaemon and Ms. Erina have given me to 'okay' to study on weekends and afternoons after school. This means you will be responsible for Ms. Erina's well-being while I am gone, or rather you will be my replacement while I'm not on the job."  

Arato had basically just told you that you were going to be Ms. Erina's personal aide when Arato wasn't around. 

You couldn't help but be nervous. Just the night before you had been ogling at the woman, now you're going to be her personal aide! 

You shook your head. You didn't have time to be worrying about such trivial matters, so after getting cleaned up you headed down to Ms. Erina's room.    

Knocking on the door you heard someone say 'okay' and you stepped in.  

There she was... the Erina Nakiri was sitting there right in front of you, head buried in what looked like... Shojo manga?  You never would have thought in a million years that Ms. Erina read Shojo manga. 

Head still buried in her book, she mumbled out, "Arato, could you fetch me my coat? We're going out to the fish market today, and you know how cold it normally is down by the docks at this time of day." 

You blinked a few times before smirking, "You know Ms. Erina-sama, if your head weren't buried in... what is that? (insert shojo manga here)? Maybe you would've realized by now that I'm not Arato. I'm your new personal aide (Y/n) (L/n), I believe we bumped into each other the other night?" 

"What do you mean-" This time Erina looked up at you, and she finally realized who you were. 

"Oh, it's you." Was all she had to say. After that Erina got up and grumbled something about getting her coat on her own and walked out of the room with you following behind.  

This was going to be a long day.  


Hah, 666 words. (Lol ignore me) Sorry for the short chapter. I finally got a spark of inspiration this morning, but something came up. I was originally planning on writing more, but I'll update later. Thanks for reading!

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