Chapter One

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     As of late, strange things have been happening in the slums of Ipomoea. The disappearance of a marketplace regular. Someone there one night and gone without a trace the next morning. A sharp rise in the amount of law enforcing K.A.R.L.s patrolling the streets. Something dodgy was going on, and I, Katherine "Catty" Nyx, intended to find out what. Inconspicuously moving through the street crowds, I tailed a few feet behind a group of four K.A.R.L.s. I had been following them since late afternoon. Tracking the K.A.R.L.s became easier as the crowds thinned, but pursuing them unseen got a little more difficult with her cover rapidly dissipating. Resorting to ducking down alleyways and hiding behind abandoned market stalls, I gradually started to fall a bit more behind my unwitting guides. But right as I thought she might lose them, I saw the telltale flash of a K.A.R.L's silver badge as he ducked into a dark alley. Creeping forward with cat-like tread, I grappled up the side of one of the buildings making up the alley way using the ledges, window sills, and cracks as handholds and footholds. Safely and silently making it up to the roof of the structure, I silently gazed over the edge.

     Thick shadows shrouded the alleyway, but as I concentrated, I could see past the darkness. Three K.A.R.L.s were inside the dark passage, appearing to be... kidnapping a homeless woman...? Intrigued, I leaned forward, eyes fixated on the scene unfolding below. 

     Roughly grabbing the woman, two K.A.R.L.s held her flailing limbs back as another quickly pushed a cloth over her nose. The lady struggled a few more seconds before her eyes rolled back and she slumped forward. The three officers quickly hauled her limp form into a van before hightailing it out of there. I waited a minute to see if they'd return before dropping into the alley.

     The threesome had definitely planned this out. There were no traces of a scuffle and nothing had been left behind. The sickeningly sweet smell of chloroform lingered in the air, soon to be blown away by the wind. Cautiously, I examined the crime scene, keeping to the shadows for safety. Suddenly, a creak from one of the trash chutes caught my attention. I whirled around and ducked deeper into the shadows. The lid of a trash chute lifted and a young girl peered out.

     Based on her appearance, she couldn't be more than ten or twelve years old. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and she really needed a tissue. Glancing to the sides, she clambered out of the trash chute. Still sobbing softly, I watched as she started to exit the alleyway.

     "Without being more careful, you aren't going to make it alone." Whirling around, the girl turned to face my voice.

     "W-who are you?" she asked, her voice wavering with fear. Stepping out of the shadows, I gave her a searching gaze. She gazed back at me, her wide eyes wary and frightened. Keeping up a cold front to hide my emotions, I reply,

     "I don't think your in any position to be asking questions." Defiantly staring back at me, she attempted to remain calm. But her trembling lower lip and watery eyes betrayed her fragile emotional state. I could admire the guts of the girl. Softening my tone a bit, I asked her, "Was that your mother?"

     "Y-yes." Lowering her gaze, I saw a few tears slip through her defenses. I couldn't help but soften a bit towards the young child. But her innocence and visible emotions wouldn't do her any good here in the slums of Ipomoea. If anything, I doubt she'd last a day alone.

     "How'd you like to come with me?" Considering my options, abandoning the girl was basically out of the question. And her small size could definitely be a useful asset.

     "Wh-what?" she asked, looking up with teary eyes.

     "How'd you like to accompany me to the president's office in central Ipomoea? I'd like to find out why the Knowledgeable and Righteous Lawforce is kidnapping civilians from the streets."


     "They took your mother, right? I don't see a reason to hesitate in joining me to find her. Our goals would be similar enough for teamwork, no?" Giving her an intense stare, I scrutinized her small form. If she refused, the she wouldn't have had the mental state of mind I needed for someone to accompany me on my journey.

     "I'll do it." The girl rubbed her eyes before staring me in the eye, bursting with a quiet sort of determination. Nodding, I could tell that this girl had the tenacity to make it to the capital. She'd be a worthy companion. "Then let us be off."

*Notes* Whew! So, I've had this idea bouncing around for a while. Let's see how this plays out! Leave comments, I love reading comments. I'll usually reply within a day or two! Also, this chapter was 789 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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