chapter 3: First Sick

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The next day the personifications started to come down. Ace was sat by the window playing a game on his phone, he was wrapped in his jacket and a blanket. America and Canada were cooking. Native America was walking with Celtic isle towards Ace.

Celtic isle: You sure this is a good idea.
Native America: Yes it is. Ace? You okay? Cold?
Ace: A guess a little. *stops playing the game he had been playing.*

Finland comes downstairs and grabs a bucket. He heads back upstairs again. Getting a confused look from nations.
That is when Denmark and Norway come down with Iceland following them.

America: What is going on?
Norway: Two sick micro nations.
Canada: oh... that's not good.
Denmark: They say no one can catch it so everyone else is safe.
America:  Bro can you continue. I want to check on Ace and make sure he isn't coming down with it.

America walked to where Ace was with Celtic Isle and Native America. His kid looked well but didn't want to take any chances.

America: You feeling okay?
Ace: Little cold but I have a storm in my state but not what is going on upstairs.
America: You....
Ace: Will let someone know if I feel worse. You worry to much.
Celtic isle: We will watch him.
Native America: We will make sure he is okay.

America nods and goes back to cooking as Denmark and Norway was summoned back upstairs to give a hand. Short time later others show their faces and start eating the Ford cooked. HRE was not happy because he had been suck with the State and hadn't been happy about it. Germania and Scandinavia had to share with Rome who until now they hadn't released Snored. The females was quite happy and had a lovely night.

HRE: You know if you stopped....
Ace: I will summon my sister 2p.
America: You will do no such thing. Your not summoning 2p DC here. She is a little much. Everyone here would like to live for a little longer.
Prussia: HRE your got two options her keep quite or I will give you time out.
HRE: That child is a stupid...
Ace: I know that your going to regret that.
Prussia: HRE you can now choose me or Germania
HRE: You.

Prussia stands up and sets HRE down on the stairs to one side and sets a timer.

Prussia: Stay there and think. No talking and think about why your there. You wait for me to come and get you. 

Prussia leaves and goes back to talking to Germany. Leaving and shocked HRE at the bottom of the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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