~Chapter 1~

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a/n= Just for this chapter the girl in this book will be Y/n.... first one to comment there name gets to be the character.

*not edited*


I am currently at school right now, and ever since that dream... oh my goodness that dream was heaven, if only that could happen in real life.

I unhappily walk to my first class, and when i go to sit down, I see utmost annoying douche-baggiest guy every, I role my eyes when as I see him leaning against my desk with a girl suction cupped to his face. (Derek on the side <3 and fyi this isn't what i think of Zac Efron XD)

I sighed and proceed to the kissing fest by my desk, as I approach my desk I say, "Oh well if it isn't the most obnoxious, douche in the school," i say with my arms folded, looking at him until he pulls away from their lip-lock and we lock eyes.

He just stares at me for i second and i scoff, as i watch him slowly grab my waist.

Woah this is new, he brings me close and kisses just below my ear, and says, oh so seductively, "you don't mean that do you baby?" I almost melt, but then i hear his slut scoff and huff as she walks off, bringing me back to reality as i regain myself and push him off of me.

"Don't call me that, jerk!" i say as i try to sit in my desk, key word 'TRY', but that jerk kept grabbing me, the bell finally rang, and he went to take his seat. SAVED BY THE BELL!

 I let out my breath and took my seat. The whole time Derek went to sit down he was starring at me. I was getting self conscious. I folded my arms and looked down at my desk, I didn't know what to do i was so nervous.

I mean every time... EVERY TIME I looked up he was starring at me i was getting creeped out, finally the last period of the day was over and i bolted out of the classroom, I did't want to stop i went straight to my locker, i tried to put in my combination, but of course today my locker decides to not cooperate with me today, i was beyond pissed.

I looked behind me and saw the one person i didn't want to see walking my way, I have to admit tho Derek is pretty hot... his biceps, his pecks, his eyes, his HAIR, jeesum peazums that dude is trying to kill someone.

I turn around and act like i didnt' see him walking up to me, and I continue to struggle to open my locker.

I finally open it... but its to late, i am spun around and pushed up against the locker. I can feel his hot breath on my neck and I inhale his beautiful scent, one of his hands is by my waist up against the locker, and the other is by my head against the locker.

He is a little taller than me today, just because I'm wearing heels with my outfit today. 

"I'm surprised you didn't shove me off of you yet." He whispers into my ear and snaps back into reality. 

He slowly starts to place sot kisses under my ear, no no not there that's the weak spot... I am going to melt... no... i push him off and he smirks at me...

"What?" I say as I touch the spot that he has kissed that is on fire where his lips just were. 

He just smirks at me again and walks away... That's it all that and he just walks away... i frown and turn around back to my locker. I pack up everything that I have for homework and head out of school, into my car, and back home.


I am laying in bed and him and me at my locker keeps replaying in my head over and over again. 

I cant seem to stop thinking about him... at least when i sleep I'll get him off of my mind.

I slowly drift off and have a very very awesome dream about Cameron Dallas.... again...

~~~~End of Chapter 1~~~~

Sooooo, what do you guys think? Sorry i didn't update sooner i was trying to think of what to do... I think you guys are going to like this! haha comment, share, and vote!

Don't forget about your name, if you don't know about it go back to the beginning. I will update soon, I really wanna get this book started for you guys! 

SOOOOOO many surprises are going to be in this story haha so be prepared!

Anywho... follow me if u don't already! I have a bunch of other stories and books, for you guys to read!

CYA next chapter ;)


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